Hi, I'm Jessika! Welcome to my bit of cyberspace...
Hi to everyone I know (laur, di, emmy, lyn, aid, ali, carolee, rye, bug, vaden, shan)
and sorry to neone I missed!
Well, I suppose that neone who's been here before can notice that the site looks a little different. It got messed, so I decided to redecorate :o) And this is the result... With my nice easy classes, I have enuff time to work on this a fair amount, so I'll try and keep it updated for those who've shown more than a passing interest. (go figure)
Laters peeps!

Alrite now, I know everything is just DYING to know a little bit about me,
so read to your heart's desire :o)

~ KoOl StUfF ~

Is it in the stars? Find out a bit about yourself through my AsTrOlOgYsite
PeNgUiNs! I made this page for my friend Robin. Even if penguins aren't your fave, it's cute so check it out neways :o)
When was the last time you did a MadLiB? This is QUITE amusing. Try it and send it to me!
Bored? Try a game of X's AnD O's, though it's hard as heck to beat the 'puter
Escape from Earth and explore
some MyStIc StUfF! Dragons, faeries, and magick, oh my! (hehe)
If you want to know a bit about the other peeps who've visted my site, go fill out my SuRvEy then read the ReSuLtS

So much to see, so much to do, so little time..
(ah who are you kidding, you have lots of time, take a look!)

I have a pretty extensive PhOtO album on here, mostly friends and my photography. A picture's worth a thousand words...

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