These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of anykind.
Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages
This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.
"Another outstanding and attractive feature of Dutton Speedwords [Rap Lin Rie] is the fact that it is the first abbreviated writing invention in history which at once transcribes all languages." ---R. J. G. Dutton
Rap Lin Rie is the nickname I have given to Dutton World Speedwords. Dutton World Speedwords was intended to be a shorthand system that could also be used as an international language. And, it turns out that it is the perfect email shorthand system for the 21st Century.
Page updated 10-20-97
Dutton World Speedwords. Dutton World Speedwords was intended to be a shorthand system that could also be used as an international language. Rap lin rie, the nickname I have given it, means, in Speedwords, "rapid language shorthand".
Thanks to a couple of very fine individuals, I now have all of the original published material on Dutton Speedwords, that I am aware of, with the exception of the correspondence course Reginald Dutton used. I would like to thank Raymond A. Brown, and Kapitano Eglefino for their extremely valuable help. Without them I would be running on only one cylinder of an eight cylinder engine.
First, if you haven't already noticed, this web site is the first news to bring you. Eventually, this site will bring you various translations of books in "mote". There will be vocabulary lists of the 100 most frequently used words in several languages. As time goes by, I will try to obtain as much detail as possible on Mr. Dutton's life and teaching relative to Speedwords. For instance, he at one time promoted Esperanto heavily at his own expense. Dutton also developed and marketed a regular shorthand system using symbols ala Gregg and Pitman.If any of you have any stories or information on Mr. Dutton's life I would appreciate being notified so I can post them.
New Classes Being Offered in Tucson, Arizona
Beginning in August, 1997, the first classes in Dutton Speedwords, "Rap Lin Rie" will begin in Tucson. New four week classes will begin every month after that. And, to make it more fun, every new student receives the new "SpeedPen" with which to write their lessons. The "SpeedPen" is designed specifically for fast writing during long sessions of note taking without the fatigue of normal pens. Those students presently preregistering have already expressed their approval of the pen. Besides, it's nice to have our "own" pen for Rap Lin Rie.
Local Coffee "Shop" to host Rap Lin Rie Group.
One of the local "hang outs" for coffee consumption is willing to host a weekly hour long Rap Lin Rie practice/learning session. The idea here is to teach, learn, speak and write Rap Lin Rie only during that hour of great gourmet coffee consumption. This is in the experimental stage to see how effective and fun this can be. If it develops, we hope to turn it into the first Rap Lin Rie International "Rap" Club. One of the participants, (coffee shop owner) suggested we have cups printed just for the group with as many Speedwords as possible imprinted on them. That way, he said, one could "cheat" a little and look up a "forgotten" or "unknown" word as the coffee was consumed with the eyes stealing a peek at just the right moment. Hmmmm, could be great for secretaries and bosses too. Oh well, some people have all the good ideas.But, I plan to have these cups imprinted, even if it was somebody else's idea. "Great minds think alike."
Teach Your Pencil, Pen, Typewriter and Computer to Write Twice As Fast.
This first new booklet is finished. The full title of this tool is Rap Lin Rie Weekend Shorthand System, "Or, Teach Your Pencil, Pen, Typewriter and Computer to Write TWICE as Fast, NOW!" It is a simple presentation of Speedwords for people who are interested in speedwords for faster writing only. And, for those who want to use speedwords in their email. And, this will be the first booklet, to our knowledge, that will be translated into another language besides English. It will be in Spanish. Reginald Dutton always envisioned his Speedwords lessons translated into other languages so we could all correspond with each other and not have to learn dozens of other foreign languages to do so. So, this booklet is our first attempt to promote his ideas. Later, we will have it translated into French, German, Esperanto, Japanese, etc. If anyone is qualified to translate into these languages, and is willing to help, please contact me at, or
Works in Progress or Now Done
In order to help the growth and understanding of "Rap Lin Rie" the following publications are in progress or done.
Lesson One through Three of the original 12 lesson course are now updated and ready to mail. Email for information.
The first "Shirt Pocket Dictionary" is ready to mail. It comprises the 493 root words, the affixes, and the numbers, along with some learning hints. email for info.
"Promote Mote!" "Promote Mote!"
I u email le a Ray Brown, j yus c di f l 1v te. D nu on t r b yus z l vok d Rap Lin Rie, mote. Bev nye te. Ko ba oze. Robert J. Petry, C.L.
New Universal Bible Project Begun
Every language should have literature behind it to make it a viable and useable language. Because of that, we are now turning the Bible into Rap Lin Rie. The first beginnings of this have just been posted to this web page. Eventually, we hope, the entire book will be on this site. And, as soon as possible, we hope to add other books for your learning and reading pleasure. Later, these translations will be made available in hard copy book form for those interested.
New Spanish 100 Most Frequent Word List to be Added.
In the next few days our first translation of Speedwords into other languages will be posted on this site. The first will be the Spanish version of the 100 most frequently used words list. Usually, by learning the first 100 words an individual can increase his or her speed by 25-50%.
Now In New Office.
About three week ago we moved into the new office on 22nd Street. It has a meeting/training room for about 20 people, plus the office. Now regular classes are underway for teaching Rap Lin Rie both as a shorthand system and as an auxiliary language.
Two Other Web Sites Added.
Over the past six weeks we have added two more web sites for Rap Lin Rie. One site will eventually have only Rap Lin Rie language content. It will be the place to go for reading articles, etc. in Rap Lin Rie. The other site will be kept current with what materials are available on Rap Lin Rie. Plus, other interesting material.
Return to these pages often.
For more information on Rap Lin Rie publications go to:
So, please return to this "page in progress" often.
If you have comments or questions send email a:
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