These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of anykind.
Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages
This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.
"Another outstanding and attractive feature of Dutton Speedwords [Rap Lin Rie] is the fact that it is the first abbreviated writing invention in history which at once transcribes all languages." ---R. J. G. Dutton
(Please review the twelve Speedwords on the Home Page if you need before reading this page.)
Born i West Virginia, USA.
I am u Certified Lymphologist, teach Tai Chi Chuan (for l past 25 years), write two magazines, off & on, & am Director d l Embassy d Yahweh. Have written u manual o Tai Chi Chuan, am writing u seven volume series a teach interested people a learn Koine Greek & Hebrew by just reading l Bible. Volume I e done. Also, have written two other books, one o l "Sacred" Name, & one o l Messiah, Who e s? Traveled as u youth a Japan, England, Germany, Belgium. Later a Mexico.
Lived three years i Japan during l years 1949-51. Met Joe Louis & Joe DiMaggio while i Japan.
Lived three years i England during l years 1954-1957.
This e where l story about Dutton Speedwords begins.
During my stay i England l foundation f interest i languages began.
Being u "Army brat" at l time I went to school at Bushy
Park, England. This e where l local Armed Services High School
f Americans y. Students from all over England would arrive on
Sunday afternoon or evening a spend l week i school. Then on Friday
afternoons we left f l weekend at home some where i England. My
home then y i Newbury.
At school I began my language studies. Starting with Spanish.
This continued when my family returned a l U.S. giving me u total
d three years d "high school Spanish." Today, I live
i Tucson, Arizona where u large percentage d l population speaks
Spanish. Surprisingly, I don't use t.
t y i England k this web page began, so a speak. There, during 1955 or 1956
I discovered Dutton Speedwords. Actually, I bought l book Teach
Yourself Dutton Speedwords i u local bookstore, probably i Newbury.
Also, I bought books on German & French, too. Never got far
with those two.
My primary purpose at l time y a use Speedwords as u shorthand
system f school note taking. I did, & t worked great. t y
only when I returned a America k I became interested i t as u
international communication tool. There were several problems
though. i order a use t internationally, one had a have someone
a write a who had learned Speedwords. &, even more importantly,
I had lost all my books during u move. Sadly, l most important
books I lost were l copies sent me by l Dutton family. i u letter
enclosed with l books y u note saying these were l last complete
set they had! Over l years dozens d used book stores have tried
a find them f me. Nothing… until I finally got on l internet.
Thankfully, there are posts about Speedwords, but nothing specific
a Speedwords. K e l reason f this web page, & more.
Prior a losing l books, I studied Koine Greek i college f two
years. Just enough a get confused until l years go by & l
information ferments into u good "wine." Also, I dabbled
i Russian. After two semesters my Russian ship sank.
After college & our move a Tucson, I met u Hopi gentleman
who taught at l U d A. With his kind permission I y able a sit
i on two semesters d Hopi. Actually, l same beginning class twice.
One d my hopes, with this page, e a provide u Speedwords 100 most
used words list f each d l following languages. (Thus, hopefully,
a begin preparing others i foreign lands a use Speedwords so I
can communicate with them.) German, French, Spanish, Japanese,
Chinese, Russian, English, Hopi & Navajo. &, others if
l time e available. Oh, & a provide l same i Esperanto, Vorlin,
Ido, & other conlangs. Then, add complete lessons i Speedwords
through publications, etc. Now, your input would be appreciated
on all d this.
REASONS f this web site:
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