These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of any kind.
This page updated 10-16-97.
Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages
This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.
"Another outstanding and attractive feature of Dutton Speedwords [Rap Lin Rie] is the fact that it is the first abbreviated writing invention in history which at once transcribes all languages." ---R. J. G. Dutton
Rap Lin Rie, as you know by now is not only an international auxiliary language,but it is also a nifty, effective shorthand system. For those who just wish to double, triple or quadruple their writing/notetaking speed, this page will explore the shorthand basics.
1. Learn these 10 shorthand words and increase your longhand writing speed by 25%.
the = l; of = d; and = &; to = a; in = i; a = u; that = k; is = e; was = y; he = s.
FACT: Twenty-five percent of all written communication in the English language is made up of just ten words. (Other languages have their similar words.) "When we write, we use just ten words over and over again, so frequently in fact, that one of those ten words is used on the average everyfive words." Rapid Writing in 6 Days. Page 34.
Practice using these ten words immediately. In ten minutes or less you can have them memorized. Now, write them ten times each. And, as you write them, say out loud the meaning of the word. Here's how:
Write l, say the, write l, say the, ten times. Then write d, say of, etc. Do this with all ten words. Then reverse the process.
Write the, say l (el), write of, say d, etc. Do this with all ten words. Now, guess what? You can now write 25% faster than you could before.
Here are practice sentences for you:
K y real easy. & just think, t only took ten minutes, or so.
NOTICE: From c point on, as u new word e learned, t will be used i l text a explain l rest d l system. I fact, i case you have not noticed t, we began a do k already.
Now, before reading any further, take u nice break. Come back refreshed & ready a increase your speed.
2. At this point, we are going a teach you a double your writing speed!
FACT: "If you add another forty words to the initial ten common words you have already learned and have been practicing, you will know fifty of the most common words used in English. In fact, 50 percent of all written communication consists of these fifty words." Rapid Writing in 6 Days, p. 52.
Here is l list of those forty new words:
Words 11-20:
it = t; you = v; as = z; not = n; he = s; will = r; have = h; with = m; be = e, I = j.
Now, please practice these words just like v did m l first set d ten. Then, take your break & come back when v are refreshed. Don't forget a use these new words right away.
Now, some more practice sentences:
Dutton's Phrasings
Rap Lin Rie/ World Speedwords was meant to be a "double-speed" writing system. Once the student's vocabulary had developed, the desire to be more efficient in writing comes more into play. Dutton taught the use of phrasing to help achieve this desire. Every space saved in typing, or every lifting of the pen in writing that is reduced, increases one's speed in writing. Rap Lin Rie becomes more efficient as the student progresses. And, on top of that, Rap Lin Rie is still a complete international language for universal correspondence.
I hope this list is a help to those of you who are now beginning to use Rap Lin Rie.
Category A
This list gives the phrases which, when joined, do not clash with one of the 493 parent Speedwords.
Category B
Special Speed Contractions
Note: mja, mlo and Mla, are the contractions for meja, melo, meLa. All of the comparatives may be contracted in the same way.
Category C
These following few categories clash with parent words. So, they cannot be joined in the same way. Connect them with a longer separating line so as not to have to lift the pen from the paper. There is no need to connect these words when typing them.
Finally: I would appreciate feedback from all of you. Suggestions, questions, experiences with Rap Lin Rie, etc. would be most helpful. I really do want to help make it a viable and useful tool for you. Bob Petry, C.L.
This page will be updated often so keep returning if you want to learn Rap Lin Rie as the shorthand system only. This material is a reprint of: Rap Lin Rie, Weekend Shorthand System, "Or, Teach Your Pencil, Pen, Typewriter and Computer to Write TWICE as Fast, NOW!" by Robert J. Petry, C.L., Embassy Publication, Tucson,Arizona, USA, Copyright 1997.
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