This page last updated 10-06-97
"Another outstanding and attractive feature of Dutton Speedwords [Rap Lin Rie] is the fact that it is the first abbreviated writing invention in history which at once transcribes all languages." ---R. J. G. Dutton
Rap Lin Rie is the nickname I have given to Dutton World Speedwords. Dutton World Speedwords was intended to be a shorthand system that could also be used as an international language. And, it turns out that it is the perfect email shorthand system for the 21st Century.
The purpose of this page is to give you examples of ordinary every day use of Rap Lin Rie. Here we will post jokes, humor and useful expression. As are all the pages on this site, they are under continuous construction.
Please keep this in mind as you read. Rap Lin Rie/ Dutton World Speedwords is an International Auxiliary Language that uses a vocabulary that is "compressed" for speed in writing and typing. For instance, the Speedword for "mother and father" is compressed to "merm" in writing or printing. "Mother and father" is compressed to "perm". Now, think of it this way. Rap Lin Rie "writes fast" but "speaks normal". Thus, there is a written form and a spoken form. In these examples we will give both for your learning pleasure. For example. "merm" is what is written, but "merr and perr" is the transliteration of how to speak it. "Perm" is pronounced "perr and merr." This should become very clear as you read the examples. Enjoy.
Some one liners from Henny Youngman!
Henny Youngman is called the "King of the One-Liners." I especially like his one-liners for hecklers. Hope you do too, so here goes.
"X t pa e sax, qy e v so pov?" (Ex te pah eh saxx, kwy [y as in by] eh ve so povv?)
"V e gau f he lufe. V gov j hex." (Ve eh gah-yoo froh heh loofeh. Ve govv zhe hexx.)
"Ne ji femmar, ple!" (Neh zhee femm-ing-marr. Pleh!)
"Qi bri vi vesc?" (Qwi bree vee vess-cheh?)
"X v h vi bi bi ov, n fa t." (Ex ve hee bee bee ovv, not fah te."
"S y gen o L4 2v -- u de tae." (Se yoh genn [g as in go] oh luqar dosi -- oo day tah-yeh.")
Let's Do Some Simple Everyday Expressions.
Good day.
Gu de. (Goo day.)
How are you?
Qa e v? (Kwah eh ve?)
What is this?
Qd e c? (Kwad eh che?)
It is a pencil.
T e u lygri. (Te eh oo ly-ing-gree.)
And this?
& c? (And che?)
It is a pen.
T e u rig. (Te eh oo reeg.)
Do you know what this is?
Q v sa qd c e. (Kwe ve sah kwad che eh.) (No ? is needed when Q begins
the sentence.)
Yes. Ye
No. N, ["Nott"]
Thank you. Gra v.[Gra veh] or Gra.
Thank you very much. Gra mue. [Gra moo-yeh]. or Mil gra.
You're welcome. V e kou. [Veh eh koh-oo]
Please. Ple.
Good morning. Gu bemi. [Goo bengmee.]
Good afternoon. Gu pomi. [Goo ponngmee.]
I do not understand. J n sav. [Zhe nott savv.]
How do you say this in (English). Qa v di c i (English).[Kwa veh dee che ee?]
What is your name? Qd e v nam? [Kwad eh vee namm?]
Please return, we will be adding more jokes, humor and expressions as fast as we can.
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