These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of any kind.

This page updated 11-21-97

The Only Official Site for

"Rap Lin Rie/World Speedwords"

"Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages"

This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.

Japanese Stum i Rap Lin Rie

Motiz d l kla "C e u bu."


Kore-wa hon-de su. {C e u bu.
--c ---------bu -----e {Cz e buz.

L Japanese lin h n om. Ai l num, gen & er e f l my par,
ruf mo est. Hon pi e 1 bu or num bu. 1 motfa for uss f e.

Qee e -wa, t e saf ate cu l seko mot or motit e l ute d l moti. I l id od -de hab indi u die is.

L ful for dlmot f e e ari-masu, b i imo us t e hab lox
a l solt uvo indi su.
I u fori spe l ful for pi e usd:—
Kore-wa hon-de ari-masu. B cu e nyxi wi are f l nu.

L mot ord i u moti e hab ute uv, l motfa uvo & l die is or l opi in.

Uve Motz:

-wa mot-ed f ute

-de mot-ed f die is [vu pedno]
su (ari-masu) e

Uve Motz e l nese fortra qu e az yus i for motiz d l id kla
Vik sore i ep d Kore, w h:--

Sore-wa hon-de su. {Cu e u bu.
--cu -------bu -----e {Cuz e buz.

Zi l er e n no i Japanese, "J e u on" e u moti d l id kla.

Watakushi-wa otoko-de su. J e u on.
-------J -----------on ----e

Sov ul num d mote pi e ford o
l fortra d l uve mot.

Las w vu qd Reefz w p ha m l 5 mot d l Comot.


kore c, cz
sore k, cuz

hon bu, buz
watakushi J, ip
otoko on, onz

[pedno 1: Koni l ordi Japanese ordlin -wa & -de e ynam Tenioha or sit (i indi a l English uv-sitz) & g e favd z penix
mot. Qae, d klacu tessz j h ci a fav g z edz zi u nato stur e debde memo g z n mu sig nx g e getd fix a l seko mot m u "-"]



Kore-wa hon-de su. {C e u bu. Cz e bu.}

Kore-wa watakushi-de su. C e ip.

Sore-wa hon-de su. {Cu e u bu. Cuz e buz.}

Sore-wa watakushi-de su. Cu e ip.

Sore-wa otoko-de su. {Cu e u on. Cuz e onz.}

Watakushi-wa otoko-de su. J e u on.

Watakushi-wa sore-de su. J e cu.

(Notice: The next lesson, if there is any interest, will be "Interragation: 'Is this a book?'" So, if there is enough interest please email me and let me know if I should keep adding lessons. Mil gra, Bob)

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