These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of any kind.
This site last updated 10-21-97
Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages
This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.
"Another outstanding and attractive feature of Dutton Speedwords [Rap Lin Rie] is the fact that it is the first abbreviated writing invention in history which at once transcribes all languages." ---R. J. G. Dutton
The idea of a world literature, which Herder and Goethe conceived essentially from the point of view of art, has now gained even greater importance from the point of view of science. For, of the things that mankind possesses in common, nothing is so truly universal and international as science. Now all communication and propagation of science uses the means supplied by language, and so the internationality of science irresistibly demands the internationality of language. If we consider that today numerous scientific works, particularly textbooks, are translated into twelve or more foreign languages, then we understand what an immense quantity of labour could be saved, if everywhere on the globe books could be as generally understood as, for example, musical notes or tables of logarithms.
L im d u kos ric qu Herder & Goethe ygeni nese dl utl d vus d art, h n obu eb la por dl utl d vus d sy. F, dl omz k onk ha i igi, n e so oku ige & demin z sy. Nu al gein & fovy d sy us l odm yfur by lin, & so l demin d sy barix axa l demin d lin. X w puv k cde ud sy raz, il bustuz, e ytral ia 12 or me nato lin, nux w sav qd u lae to d ra yp e safu, x jep o l ronge, buz yp e z ig ysav z, f idys, utmuz or tabz d logarithm.
La ideo pri mondliteraturo, kiun Herder kay Goethe konceptis chefe el la vidpunkto de la arto, akiris nun el la vidpunkto de la scienco multe pli gravan signifon. Char el la komunaj posedajhoj de la homaro, neniu estas tiel vere ghenerala kaj internacia kiel la scienco. Sed chiu komunikado kaj disvastigado de la scienco uzas la helpilon de la lingvo kaj tial la internacieco de la scienco nerezisteble postulas la internaciecon de la lingvo. Se ni konsideras, ke nuntempe kelkaj sciencaj verkoj, precipe lernolibroj, estas tradukitaj en dek du au pli da fremdaj lingvoj, tiam ni komprenas, kiom granda kvanto da laboro povus esti shparata, se libroj chie en la mondo povus esti tiel ghenerale komprenataj kiel ekzemple la muziknotoj au logaritmaj tabeloj. [Note: "As accents were unobtainable, the accented letter is followed by an 'h' in this text."]
La ideo pri mondo-leteraturo, quan Herder e Goethe konceptabis esence del vidpunto dil arto, ganis nun del vidpunto dil cienco mem plu granda importo. Nam del kozi, quin la homaro posedas komune, nula es tam vere universala ed internaciona kam la cienco. Or, omna komunikado e propagado dil cienco uzas la moyeno dil linguo, do la internacioneso dil cienco postulas nerezisteble la internacioneso dil linguo. Se ni konsideras, ke cadie sat multa ciencala verki, specale lernolibri, tradukesas aden dekedu o plu multa stranjera lingui, ni komprenas, qua enorma quanto de laboro povus sparesar, se libri omnaloke sur la terglobo povus komprenesar tam generale, kam exemple muzikal noti o logaritmala tabeli.
Li idee pri mondo-literature, kel Herder e Goethe koncepted esentialim from li vidpunctu del arte, ha nun ganat mem multim plu grand importanteso fro li vidpunctu del scientie. Den ek li coses kel li homaro posese comunim, nuli is tam verim general e international kam li scientie. Or omni comunico e mediatione del scientie usa li moyene del lingue, dunke li internationaleso del scientie demanda nonresistablim li internationaleso del lingue. Si nus considera ke disdi pluri sciential verkes, particularim lernolibres, es traductet en dekdu e plu multi lingues, tand nus comprenda qui imensi quanteso de laboro povud bli sparat, si libres povud omnilok sur li globe bli comprendat tam generalim kam exemplim musical notes o tabeles de logaritmes.
[Please note: I have been informed that accents need be placed in Occidental or it could be misleading. So, please remember this as you read. As soon as I can get them included correctly I will make changes.] Li ide pri mund-literature, quel Herder e Goethe had tonceptet essentialmen ex li vidpunctu del arte, ha nu gan'at ancor mult plu grand importantie ex li vidpunctu del scientie. Nam de omni comun possedages del homanite niun es tam vermen general e international, quam scientie. Ma omni comunication e transmediation del scientie usa li medie del lingue. Do li internationalita del scientie inresistibilmen postula li internationalita del lingue. Si noi considera, que hodie pluri sciential ovres, specialmen libres de aprension, trova se traductet in decidu o plu foren lingues, tande noi comprende quel immens quantita de labor on vell economisar, si on vell posser comprender libres partu sur li glob sam generalmen quam por exemples notes o tabelles de logaritmes.
Idea de literatura mundiale, que Herder et Goethe habe intellecto pręcipue ex puncto de visu de arte, habe hodie acquisito, ex puncto de visu de scientia, sensu etiam majore. Nam, de commune possesiones de genere humano, nihil es tam generale et internationale quam scientia. Sed omne communications et propagatione de scientia ute auxilio de lingua, et ita internationalitate de scientia postula in modo irresistibile internationalitate de lilngua. Si nos considera, que hodie plure opere scientifico, in particulare tractatus, es translato in duodecim vel plus lingua extero, tunc nos cognosce quale immane mole de labore pote es pręservato, si libros, ubicumque in terra, pote es ęqualiter intellecto in generale, sicut per exemplo notas musicale aut tabulas de logarithmos.
[Other languages will be added as translations are done. For comparison
purposes of length of text only. Please excuse any spelling errors
and the lack of certain accents. ]
All except the Rap Lin Rie text quoted from H. Jacob, Otto Jespersen:
his work for an international auxiliary language. 1943. Also quoted in Large's book on International Languages.
Please note: Mr. James Chandler has corrected the Ido and Novial translations from the original versions. If you would like to see those corrections click on See Corrected Translation below. Thanks.See Corrected Translation