These pages are copyright, 1997 by Robert J. Petry, C.L. Information on these web pages are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever for commercial use of any kind.
This site last updated 10-13-97
Ordinary writing at Shorthand Speed for all Languages
This, the only World Brief-Script in existence, breaks down all the present language barriers to free international correspondence between all countries.
This chat room is for your enjoyment and learning pleasure. It is our hope that you will use it to practice and use Rap Lin Rie in real time. Please email me and suggest a good time for a "formal" chat session with you and others. Or, you can reach me at ICQ 1383825 to see when I am online, and chat privately. However, for now I will be here most days at 12 Noon Mountain Standard Time. That is seven hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. And, I will check often to see if anyone is here. Also, I plan to schedule chat discussion on special topics as time goes on. Enjoy. Bob Petry
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