Strange (Or Normal?) Stories from My Life

Journal entries June 2000-Present
1. 6/17/2000 The Truth of the Matter
2. 6/19/2000 Weddings and Leavings
3. 7/6/2000 The Truth of the Matter 3
4. 7/10/2000 In London, England
5. 7/16/2000 In Wurzburg, Germany
6. 8/4/2000 In Switzerland
7. 9/7/2000 Leaving L'abri, Switzerland
8. 9/19/2000 Florence, Italy
9. 10/7/2000 Leaving Firenze
10. 10/17/2000 The Truth of the Matter 10
11. 10/25/2000 Aeolia, Italy
12. 11/03/2000 Africa
13. 11/16/2000 To Greece
14. 11/20/2000 Homer and the Abbot
15. 12/19/2000 Just a Minute!
16. 12/27/2000 Frozen Turkey Worldwide
17. 12/28/2000 Frozen Turkey Worldwide - part 2
18. 1/29/2001 Frozen Turkey Worldwide - part 3
19. 1/29/2001 Life Unlimited... What Year is it???
20. 4/25/2001 You Never Know What Might Happen

Also check out how it all started:
LIFE AND TIMES - From the beginning (1978) to when I got my boat.
THE LOG- A few daily entries from life on the boat.