I - The beginning




The gods
God's telling
The beginning
God's symphony
God's legends
Men's thinking





I am going to speak man; do not expect therefore find the mysticism in these pages, or the esot‚eric remarks. As much to announce it to you before you no longer went far. I have the hope that you will not be disappointed, some is your initial wait.


It is contained completely in the NAME of GOD, such that we tell it; it is the point that derived our idea on names and their functions.

The theogony is not the purpose of my site


 Not between no more in the framework of this site.

Know only that according to the Old, the world is created by a called principle GBÊDOTO, it is - to - tell," that that possesses the life "; or better," father that possesses the life " that has served as an other principle ASHÊ(be able,power, serenity. ..) it is very difficult for render it in your language.

In the pages that are going to follow, I am going to speak frequently beginning; it does not concern the beginning of the world; but it concern the biginning of an event that would have intervened a lot far more late, and that justifies the necessity of a pedagogy whose we go we occupied.



( You have afifty pages to penetrate there ) 



Allow - me to welcome you on my personal home page. I thank you to visit me. My name is Paul; Paul ACLINOU. I live in France ; but I'me native from Dahomey ( actualy: Benin).

 In the fact, if you want to know some more on me, here is: I am born in 1941; I have four children. I am scientific, academic, and I have especially interested in the chemistry, (but after my passion of the human). I think that that will suffice; can - be, this again: I have written some pages, (that have remained in cardboards) whose "The Horloger of Kouti " ; in three parts. Quotations that you will find on your road come from the volumefirst "The Beginning"


I would want to speak you gods, serenity and harmony. You have understood that I will speak African traditions. Oh! I make sure that you have heard some to speak; but I remain persuaded that you in have perceived only the envelope and its outgrowths.


The beginning is, in the African thought, the point zero, non of the creation but of what we consider as the trip the man; it is - to - tell, the debut of the human adventure. Adventure that never would have been necessary. But, listen the old........

" - that do we believe? And the beginning, that is it? "

The old man resumed to speak; slowly and to mi - voice first; as to underline the gravity of its purposes. It said:

 "- all seeds are in the beginning, as you know now. You know also that Before the beginning, there was God alone and It - even. "

It be silent after these reminders. It looks the ground at its feet as if it seeks words them most appropriate in the senses that it is necessary to give to things. After a moment, it said:

 "- it is in this breast, that the whole was created. The man was it; in the harmony; and it was the older. One tells that the woman sweeps the each earth morning. But she is younger, she stings the sky of its broom. It arrived then a moment when the sky distanced. This was the biginning of the trip of the creation. Understands although this is not the debut of the creation, but only that its current trip; it is all. It is necessary to well understand all this. To understand the harmony that the man had to insure. It is necessary to understand what means " to sweep the earth " that returned to the woman. It is necessary that you seize perfectly what one has meant by " the sky distanced. " Elsewhere, one has told that God created the earth then coupled with it; from there, have come men. .. This is why, when the man and the woman have disputed to know that is the first, the earth has roared. It has asserted that it is the first; that it is the most important; that it is the older; and that is true; it is necessary is in souvenir. You have therefore to reflect to all that, by making particularly attention to words. "

 ( The Horloger of Kouti; The beginning )

And these words? Listen again Anani ( the old ) addressing to its nephew and to its foreign guest.

" - you known, Richard, in your language, one tells God and god; for us, that is not good. That is not good because that is source confusion. Because as you know, the human imagination has rapidly made be confused; a capital letter and a tiny letter did not suffice to avoid it. A capital and a tiny do not introduce a gap sufficing to avoid a slipping of perception between two heard. "

 I was disorient at this point of the speech; I no longer understood. I did not understand more than in this animism, where abound gods and Spirits of all sorts, the most important, Mya Hü, the God Supreme, as one comes from to tell me it, is left side; parted some some leaves, with to the opportunity, a reverence, respectful indeed, but hardly more. But then, where is the power? where was situated the point of deliverance? Because, believer to my culture, I had always considered that for the believer, God and the religion are elements of deliverance for the man. Kuashi non more was not satisfied; the kid make it to know with its surly and spontaneous manner. It exclaimed as soon as our speaker be silent; it tsaid it:

"- this is not secrets that! "

"- Non, this are not secrets indeed; and nobody has ever told that that it is. And then, tell - you well this: to my knowledge, the alone secrets that exist are the fruit of our ignorance and our laziness; it is what I think; but, I can deceive me. It invite also not to confuse secret and silence; that, you will learn it. "

Anani keeps the smile; it expected the obviousness, to the reaction of its nephew. That - here asked it, more calmly this time - there:

 "- You think that I could have have access to the beginning?"

I felt the kid anxious; as if it feared that this is too late for it to penetrate in what begun to appear me as a precise theogony. A theogony with its foundations, its rules and consequences that derive some; and that represented for the young boy the sat fundamental of its life; if nevertheless it desires, as I think, that its existence is not only a roving through the " insignificances " dailies. I feel it anxious; but at the same time, it had impressed me by its question. It had impressed me because, rather than to seek to surround immediately the concept to it Be Supreme that translated the designation My Hü, it would wear its attention on what the old man calls the" beginning ". One would tell that instinctively, it is at this level that it situates the source of all things; it is at this level that is found all what it was possible. As soon as the kid had expressed its anxiety, Anani stopped to walk; it ceased to advance; the child and me stoped similarly. The old man turned then to the kid; it told it with an impressive calm:

 "- you know it already; you know it since always.

Anani went on a few paces after these words, then he stopped again to make his point clear. He said:

" - One had told it to you a long time ago. It is far; it is true, and you have forgotten it; but it is there, rug to the bottom of you. "

 Anani went silent and began to walk again. Kuashi and I did the same, in silence.Without stopping and without looking at the boy, he added:

 "- it will suffice you to find it; it suffices to leave to its research. "

( The Horloger of Kouti; The beginning )


...Welcome .Purpose The gods God's telling The beginning God's symphony God's legends Men's thinking End


* ........

Paul Aclinou..
sept. 1998 - Update: 08/17/ 2000

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