The Weird of Fionavar

Folk of the sidhe-mound under the hill
I hear their music when the wind is still
Fionavar, Fionavar,
You need not fear for pain or woe
Fionavar, the road you go.

The word "weird" has not always been a synonym of "strange". In fact, its original meaning was "destiny" (you may have seen it spelled as Wyrrd). In Shakespeare's play, "Mac Beth", he often refers to the 3 Witches as "the Wyrd Sisters", thus indicating that they have power over the future. But he was not the first, nor the last, to have such theories -- similarities can be traced back to the Nordic Norns (Urd, Verdandy and Skuld) and to the Greek Fates (Clotho, Lacheis and Atropos).

"The Weird of Fionavar" is a book mentioned in O.R, Melling's "the Hunter's Moon". The above poem is an ecerpt of it. From what I've gathered, Fionavar is actually Findabhair (Finn-a-veer), Queen Mabh (Mayv)'s daughter -- the spelling is a derivative, as is the Welsh Gwenhyfar, Lady of Arthurian Legends. Ever since "The Hunter's Moon", I've admired Findabhair, so of course I would use her name as an alias.


Wicca 101 (General)

Go here for Eclectic Wicca basics.   Also links to witch supplies on the Net.

Faėry Tradition

The rudiments of Faery Trad.  Again, only the basics -- I'm not qualified to give
any more than that. I urge anyone with useful knowledge about this to contact me
(see last row).

Join the Circle

Due to the overwhelming inactivity between members, I decided to totally remodel
this section. It will now resemble a contact list.  However, I'm toying with the idea
of setting up a mailing list -- let me know what you think!

The Witches' BBS

Tired of waiting for my non-existent updates to get some answers? Now you don't
have to!  There's a WWWboard where you can post anything  -- as long as it's
related to Paganism. Questions, answers, ads, whatever! Now GO!!!

The Order of Avalon Webring

From my addiction to Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon spawns this
webring. Anyone with an Avalon-related webpage (be it of paganism, myth and
legend, RPGs, or book reviews) is eligible for membership.

The Doomed Lord's Passing

Inspired by the tragic death of Elric in Micheal Moorcock's captivating Stormbringer
Saga, this virtual graveyard is my newest creation.  A place to mourn and honour
the fantasy characters who have touched our lives, and to say your final farewells.

E-mail me!!

Random Profound and Meaningful Saying from the Mouth of Me

"The time comes where everything falls into place -- the call of the Goddess cannot be ignored, but it cannot and shall not be forced."

Non Pagan/Fantasy Contents and Links

The Anime Page of Wonder

My anime page -- temporarily down but soon due for an
update!  Check in regularly.

My Not-So-Secret Crush (or, My Moist Page)

For all of you who miss the old wallpaper, you can come see
it here!  This page is dedicated to my long-time music-man
crush, David Usher (lead vocalist of Moist).

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