Reccomended Reading
- Ravens, Crows, Magpies and Jays- Tony Angell, Douglas and McIntyre
- Crows of the world- Derek Goodwin, British Museum of Natural history
- Ravens in winter, Bernd Heinrich, Summit
- The American Crow and the Common Raven, Lawrence Kilham, Texas A&M University Press
- The Folklore of Birds, Edward Armstrong, St. Jame's Place
- Symbolic and Mythological Animals, JC Cooper, Aquarian
- Raven Tales: Traditional Stories of Native Peoples, Peter Goodchild, Chicago review Press.
- Powers which we do not know: The gods and Spirits of the Intuit, Daniel Merkur, University of
Idaho Press
- Make prayers to the Raven: A Koyukon View of the Northern Forset, Richard Nelson, University
of Chicago Press.
- Animal Consciousness, Daise Radner, Prmethues Books. Ravensong: A natural and Fabulous History
of Ravens and Crows,
- Catherine Feher Elston, Northland
- Animal Thought, Stephen Walker, Routledge and Kegan Paul
- Ravensong_ (A Natural and Fabulous History of Ravens and Crows) by Catherine Feher Elston

Myths and Lore on the Net
The Snow, the Crow, and the Blood
Jonathan Higbee's Aviary- Be sure to read the petition to save
the crows!
Corvid Advocacy
Corvidae Image gallery and link page