The IB Program was established at Central in 1992 with a freshman class of fifty students. In May 1996, thirteen seniors sat for the battery of IB exams. Four members of that pioneering group were awarded the prestigious IB diploma. The IB class of 1997 promises to be even stronger than the charter class; over twenty students remain after four arduous years.
The IB curriculum is similiar to the more familiar advanced placement (AP) program. IB, however, is worldwide in scope and provides an international approach to learning. AP students may choose one or two classes which suit their interests, but IB students must take advanced classes in all subject areas. Every IB student at Central takes all IB classes, not just one or two as some other schools allow.
This site is not an official web page by any stretch of the imagination. We want this page to eventually be informational as well as humorous. Please send email to if you have any thoughts about this particular page or questions about IB in general.
For now, here are a few links which may be of interest:
Everything you'd (never) want to know about I.B.