The WebCrusader

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* First Page
  Front page story:
    Goodbye to ISB
    Thoughts & Thanks
* News
  Marijuana Debate
  Dilemma Under Sea
  Comets and Sun-Flares
  Farewell to Teachers
  MRTA Demolished
  Congo: What Next?
  New Teachers
  Inside the EU
  Aliens on Jupiter?
  Are we Aliens?
  "The Jungle Book"
* Features
  French Club in Paris
  The Year's Highlights
  Unlucky for Some?
  Grade 8 in Normandy
  Onwards and Upwards
  MS Jacuzzi on Way!
  Latin Club in Rome
  Fascinating Facts
  Get a Life
  Summer Reading
  Summer Cinematix
  Questions on the Food
  Daria Morgendoffer?
  CPU Club Logs Out
  End-of-Year Quiz
  Body Art
  the Quarry
    Are Spice for Real?
    Depeche Mode
    Celebrity Skin
    Nezih in Mosh Pit
  Foie Gras
  MS Play
  Grade 7 in Brittany
  Grade 9 on the Loire
* Sports
  Girls Soccer Champs
  Gold Returned to ISB
  Short Baseball Season
  Cantona's Au Revoir
  7th in Track & Field
  New Soccer Team?
  MLB Title Race
  The Fighting Irish?
  Ice Hockey in June?
* The Crew
* Links
* Archives
* E-mail
  Faculty Advisor

The International School of Brussels
The International School of Brussels