NAME: Ding Choo Ming

PLACE OF BIRTH: Sitiawan, Perak

EDUCATION: Educated in the Chinese, English and Malay medium

BA - Universiti Malaya

MA - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Ph D - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

PHILOSOPHY: Nothing comes from nothing

POSITION: Lecturer at the Department of Information Science, UKM


Information retrieval

Information policy

Information and society

Malay classical literature


IFLA (Manila) 17-23 August 1980

International Congress of Human Sciences :Asia and North Africa (Tokyo and Kyoto) 31 August - 7 September 1983

International Symposium on Asian Studies (Hong Kong) 16-19 July 1984

32nd International Congress for Asian and North African Studies (Hamburg) 25-30 August 1986

Seminar Antarabangsa Kesusasteraan Melayu II (Bangi) 2-5 September 1991

7th International Workshop on Indonesian Studies at the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology (Leiden) 14-18 December 1992

Seminar Antarabangsa Manuskrip Melayu (Kuala Lumpur) 20 December 1993

LITCON '94 (Kuala Lumpur) 8-10 November 1994

Seminar Antarabangsa Koleksi Khas Pengajian Asia Tenggara, Perpustakaan
TSL,19-21 Jun 1995

 Infotech Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) 1-3 November 1995

Seminar Perpaduan Ummah: Realiti & Cabaran (Bangi) 27-28 Disember 1995

Southeast Asia Communications Conference '96 (Kuala Lumpur) 27-29 August 1996

Seminar Kebangsaan Penerbitan Ilmiah Ke Arah Pembinaan Korpus Ilmiah Malaysia (Putrajaya) 2-3 April 1997

SEACOM '98 Malaysia (Penang)12-14 August 1998


With Yang Quei Yee and Malini Saran
With Prof Dato' Dr Zakri A. Hamid,
 Dr Muhammad Bukhari Lubis and
Mr Zainal Azman Rajuddin
With Mr Llyod Fernando
Receiving a DBP literary award from
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak
Receiving Hadiah Penulisan PPM 2003 from
Presiden Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia
(Mac 2003)
Receiving an Utusan literary award from
Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
(28th May 2003)
Explaining to
Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
(28th May 2003)

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