Welcome to The Ancient Egyptian Art Page!

Queen Nefertiti

Welcome to one of the most unique places on the web. In this forum, I offer new ways of thinking about everything from the planets in our Solar System to the Zodiac. I will try to bring together many different aspects of Alchemy, Metaphysics and the Elements to give you an idea of how intimately woven the fabric of the universe can be. To understand the terms is a first step in understanding the science itself! Each image is a link to another part of the tour. Enjoy!


Metaphysical Poetry

The Oracle of Delphi's Poetry Page

7 Poems by Khalil Gibran

Ancient Egyptian Creation Myth

Becoming the Child - Papyrus of Ani


Planets and Stars


To The Metaphysical Tour of the Solar System

Take a Tour of Our 12 Zodiac Belt Constellations

Five Sacred Elements




Seattle Area Artists Page

Seattle Area Artists' Page

The Art Gallery

Another Egyptian Art Gallery!

Fractal Art Gallery

Fractal Art Gallery!

The Art Gallery

Another Art Link!

Georgia O'Keefe Gallery

O'Keefe Art Gallery!

Five Works by Degas

Degas Art Gallery!

Nine Works by Renoir

Renoir Art Gallery!


Comments? Suggestions? Strange ideas? Ancient secrets?

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Egyptian line

Links Page Back to the Oracle

Ask any Question to the Matrix Oracle!

Matrix' Compatability Calculator!

Matrix' Numerology Oracle!

Goldblack Line

Last Updated 6/12/01

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Who is the Oracle of Delphi?

This page is currently under heavy construction. Please return. Meanwhile, enjoy Ancient Egyptian art and some great links to other cool destinations on the WWW!