This site contains links to other sites. The Oracle of Delphi is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites, though we do monitor these sites rigorously to ensure that the content is not pornographic or unsuitable in any way for children. Please see the section below on our policy with respect to protecting the rights of children.
If you have found this site at, then there is no information collected except what you provide by signing the guestbook. Only what you voluntarily provide is kept by the website, and only for the purposes of providing a guide to the Webmaster which helps determine what areas of the site need further development, improvement, or elaboration. The Oracle of Delphi only collects voluntarily submitted information, and uses this information ONLY for internal evaluation so we may provide our visitors with a better web experience. None of the information from is shared with any third party for any reason whatsoever. This is an absolute promise.
If you are at the mirror site hosted by and located as part of Yahoo! and Geocities, in the Athens neighborhood (and the Delphi sub-neighborhood, site 2093), then the site is governed by the privacy policy of the host Yahoo!Geocities, located here.
Our online surveys ask visitors for contact information (like their email address) and demographic information (like their age). The visitor's contact information is used to contact the visitor only when requested by the visitor specifically, such as visitor questions on the guestbook or in e-mails. Users may opt-out of receiving any mailings or contact simply by not providing the information requested on the guestbook. No other page asks the visitor for any information of any sort, and no information is gathered in any other way on the site. Demographic and profile data is collected at our site, but only to tailor our visitor's experience at our site, showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences.
Albert G. Youssef Whole Earth Productions 6910 Roosevelt Way NE #521 Seattle, WA, 98115