A Short Biography on the Author

Symbol of Man

Symbol of Man

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Hello! Thank you for visiting my web site! My name is Albert Youssef. I am the creator of the pages comprising the Oracle of Delphi and its associated links at Geocities. Below is a little background information about me for anyone who may find that interesting.

Daytime Sphinx - Giza, Egypt
The Sphinx in living color
The Flag of Egypt

Originally born in Cairo, Egypt I emigrated here at age 3. I grew up in the South, attending Duke University where I received my Bachelor of Science in Psychology as well as a B.A. equivalent in Political Science. Subsequently moving to the West Coast, I've furthered my studies and interest in metaphysics with private tutelage in Astrology and Metaphysics.

Seattle, Washington, America, Earth

I've written 2 horoscope columns and also had a daily horoscope radio show. I am relatively new to web publishing, but I see the Internet as an incredibly effective way to help people to understand more truth with respect to this ancient and cosmic science, practiced by my ancestors thousands of years ago.

Egyptology Resources at Newton Institute

Today with the marvel of computers, we can truly put this science into beneficial use. What the Ancient Egyptians would have given for our modern computers and astrology software! I believe that the success of the Ancient Egyptian civilization, as evidenced by the priceless treasures we have today, is a testament to the power of the correct use of an ancient cosmic science to help maintain the harmony and order of an advanced civilization long since passed.

The Egyptian Creation Myth!

By being more "tuned in" to the cycles of the cosmos, always remembering the Earth is part of a larger system, they maintained a level of harmony which allowed them to enjoy a successful civilization. Today, we can make our own lives more harmonious by understanding ourselves relative to the bigger perspective, the larger whole.


To the Egyptian Art Room!


This is the purpose of having a birth chart analyzed. With three simple pieces of information, an exact map of the heavens at the moment of your birth can tell a qualified astrologer or metaphysician a great deal about the strengths and challenges given to you in this lifetime by your Higher Self or Guardian Angel.

Looking at the location of the planets at this moment (relative to this birth chart) describes the metaphoric "atmosphere" and circumstances surrounding your life at this point in time. We always have freedom of choice, so nothing whatsoever is set in stone, or "fated" this way. We can indeed make intelligent choices and prevent things from happening if we wish, or we can create positive change just as easily.

The Blue Lotus Page

Michaelangelo's Fall from Grace, Sistine Chapel

It has always been our choice. After all, this was the motivation behind mankind's fall from Grace....to have the gift of free will! It was obtained by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As our eyes were opened to forbidden knowledge, innocence was lost to our awareness. However, that freedom comes at a price; responsibility for our choices, or "karma" is the price of our separation from the divine.

A Tour of our 12 Zodiac Belt Constellations

Albert Youssef

Scott Farthing, Artist

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Last Updated 1/25/2004


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