I believe the ancient Egyptians had a very symbolic view of the meaning of the pyramid. The four corners of the pyramid represent the four elements of fire, water, air and earth. They are united at the top of the pyramid by the fifth element, spirit. In this way, a pyramid can be seen as a representation, in 3-D, of the descent (as well as ascent) of the Spirit through the Time/Space continuum, and into (or out of) material manifestation (form) taking on the four main elements of which we are composed in order to have a vehicle for experiencing life and evolving within the physical plane of existence, here on Earth.
Before we can accurately determine the validity of this theory of symbolism, we must look for further proof of this relationship. Consider the symbol known as the Ankh. This symbol was known to the ancient Egyptians as the Key of Wisdom, given to Pharaoh by Thoth in order to justly govern the people.
The rounded part of the Ankh represents the womb of the Universe. It descends through the crossbar, representing the Time/Space continuum and descends to the bottom of the Ankh where it becomes crystallized, solid material form.
When Pharaoh held the key with his finger through the top hole, he was disseminating power to someone else. However, when held by the bottom, he was receiving power from the Gods. This perspective was very important to the correct use of this powerful symbol. As a living God on Earth, Pharaoh was the link between the common man and the Gods, and he was held accountable by his subjects for the proper working order of Nature. He also received power from the Gods to govern fairly as well, assuming all of the proper rituals and sacrifices had been made by the priests and Pharaoh as well.