Welcome to the Oracle of Delphi!

Metaphysical Solutions For a Complex World - The Ten Planets
The Earth and Beyond! A Metaphysical Tour of the Solar System

"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

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Dear guests: As always, I thank you for your feedback, which you can always add by signing the guest book at the bottom of the page! I'd like to wish you a happy, safe, and metaphysically prosperous 2004! It's the fourth year of this new Twenty-First century, and the turning point of the new millenium is here! Do what thou wilt, but harm none. Pray for the innocents, the victims of violence, war, famine, inhumanity, persecution, bigotry, fanaticism, and hate whether they are in New York or in Afghanistan, or in my hometown of Seattle. We are all sacred and deserve respect as Human Beings. This site is my way of trying to make a difference, by showing how unique we all are, and how intimately woven we are, into the very fabric of the Universe. Best wishes to all of you in the coming year ahead!

Ancient Egyptian Art Page

Ancient Egyptian Artpage

"Come, my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world"

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Welcome to the Oracle of Delphi! I hope to provide my guests here with a rich, multimedia experience. Here, and in the future of this site, you'll find art, wonderful graphics, ancient poetry (from the Egyptian Books of the Dead), as well as background music and free software downloads to make computing more user friendly! There is much more as well (like the links page!) This site is dedicated to furthering people's awareness of metaphysical concepts, ancient philosophies, cosmic understanding and mythology.

Walt Whitman - Miracles

St Therese of Lisieux

"A poem by Walt Whitman, entitled Miracles"

Find out more about your sun sign!

The 5 Elements

A Practical Guide to the Elements!

Favorite poems by Khalil Gibran!

Selected Poetry of Khalil Gibran

The Zodiac

The 12 Constellations of our Zodiac Belt.

To the Tree of Life

Explore the Occult (hidden) Nature of the Universe!

ONLY for the OPEN-MINDED! If you dare, come investigate the mystery of the Fall from Grace! It is past Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil! Have a new look at the Christian creation myth and discover another tree in the Garden, the Tree of Life. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was NOT the only tree in God's Garden of Eden! Glimpse ancient wisdom from the ancient cosmic science, Kabalah. This is NOT for the faint of heart!

"Nothing human disgusts me, Mr. Shannon, unless it's unkind or violent..."

Hannah Jelks

From "Night of the Iguana"

Temple - To the Seattle Artists' Page!

Seattle Area Artists' Page


The Ancient Egyptian Creation Myth

Egyptian Creation Myth

"God is an intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere."

From the Book of the 24 Philosophers


Each image on this page is probably a link to another interesting page, described in the caption below the image. In the following links you will find "chapters" pertaining to art, astrology, cosmology, philosophy, numerology, metaphysics, alchemy, spirituality, Western Mysticism, and other esoteric topics. For example, to learn more about astrology, go to the link at the top of the page. The earthview shot is a link to the solar system tour, an explanation of the symbolism of the planets in astrology. Further down you will see a Zodiac wheel which goes to another section on the 12 Zodiac signs. My pages generally follow the same theme (graphics=link), so I hope you enjoy what you find here as much as I have enjoyed gathering it and sharing it with you!

Love one another

And the whole world will be fine!

An eye for an eye, though...

And the whole world will go blind!

"...And you will never reach the end of your own becoming!...The sadness, the creation, the joy of it....Dance a moment, reach down and bring me a song, spin and chant! Forget the sorrow that we are flesh on bone. For we are Gods, dancing in a whirlwind of darkness! Gods live, even in darkness, and in the world above your heads, and in the open palms of a stranger!"


Osirian's Metaphysical Page

Osirian's Metaphysical Page

To the Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus Page

Poetry from the Egyptian Books of the Dead
Becoming the Child - From the Papyrus of Ani


The Poetry Page!

Poetry Page

This way to Download Central!

Download Software Here!

Who Is The Oracle of Delphi? -The Author's Page

Comments? Suggestions? Strange ideas? Ancient secrets?

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Since June, 1997!

SNEAK PEEK - Currently under construction, a new section on

NUMBERS! An Evolutionary Process from 0 to 10

Links Page

I have reduced the file size on all the graphics so they will load faster. I hope this helps, and larger versions are available on most of the target pages of the links. Many of the graphics will enlarge if you click on them, especially in the associated links found here! This page is perpetually under construction and therefore CONSTANTLY being updated, so please come back!

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Last Updated 6/2/2004

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