115,000 Sikhs killed by Indian Government police, paramilitary forces and death squads since 1984.....
(World Sikh News: October, 1994)

.....torture is pervasive and a daily routine in every one of India's 25 states, irrespective of whether arrests are made by the police, the paramilitary forces or the army.
(India Torture, Rape & Deaths in Custody: March 1992)

In Punjab at least 3,800 politically motivated killings were committed by Government forces in 1990.
(Amnesty International Annual Report 1991)

Amnesty International recorded the deaths of 415 people in the custody of the police and security forces since 1985.  In all 415 cases there is evidence the victims, who involve women and children, were brutally beaten or otherwise tortured until they died.  The 415 cases reported are only a sample ...... according to Indian news media many cases are never reported at all ......
(India Torture, Rape & Deaths in Custody, Al Report: March 1992)

In India there are 25,000 political prisoners.
(Amnesty International Annual Report 1992)

15,000 political prisoners held in Punjab alone.
(New York Times: December 11, 1989)



Hundreds of People "disappeared" or were extra judicially executed in "encounters" staged by the police and security forces.

(Amnesty International Annual Report 1992)

Official figures given by the Home Minister in March 1993 put the number of people held under TADA in Punjab at 14,457.  These however do not include several thousand others who simply "disappear".  Nearly all " disappearances" and attributed to the Punjab police, where no explanation about the reason for an arrest is given and arrests are often not registered at police stations.  When matter is brought in court by relatives, the police either deny the arrest, or simply claim the victim escaped or that he was killed in an encounter.
(India Abroad: October 1992)


.....in August 1991 the father of a boy charged with a petty theft simply accompanied his son to the police station in Delhi.  The father was not charged with any crime, yet he too was detained, mercilessly beaten and died shortly afterwards.

(Amnesty International News Release: March 1992)

Balbir Kaur was tortured by the police for 8 days in December 1987.  Even with three months of medical treatment on her battered body doctors were not able to save her and she passed away in March 1988.
(National Punjab Students Union White Paper: November 1989)

A doctor and a police official said today that the army troops shot several captive Sikhs at point blank range here last week after tying their hands behind their backs.
(New York Times: June 14, 1984)

Courts in Punjab have found compelling evidence of police responsible for disappearances.  In cases where the courts have intervened, the police have often responded by intimidating witnesses ......
(The Tribune, August 1993)

I yesterday discharged a patient aged 18-20, who had been in this hospital for three months.  Twenty percent of this body had suffered deep burns from a hot clothes iron.  These burns were .... so serious that I and other doctors had only succeeded in saving his life .... He had also been shot in the armpit.   His torturing was during interrogation by the regular army.
(Statement by a doctor in Srinagar Hospital: December 1990)

Police officers in Uttar Pradesh, stop a tourist bus and arrest 10 Sikh men who had been on a pilgrimage of holy place.  The 10 were later found shot dead in a forest nearby.  The police claim they were killed in an armed "encounter".  The supreme court ordered the state government to pay compensation to the families of the 10 victims.
(Amnesty International Annual Report 1992)