Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) and the National Security Act, 1980 (NSA).  Under these acts the presumption of innocence is reversed to a presumption of guilt.  Democratic freedoms of speech and association are denied.  Accused can be held without trial for 2 years.  TADA explicitly violates the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.  United Nations Human Rights Committee has condemned these draconian laws as disturbing and completely unacceptable.

More than 2700 people mostly Sikhs were killed in India after the assassination of Prim Minister Indira Gandhi.  More than one year after the event 1000 impoverished victims were still demanding justice and aid.
(New York Times: November 3, 1985)

...one women who was left paralyzed from torture has been fighting in vain for 14 years to bring her torturers to justice ..... she was held for 3 years even though she was never charged....
(Amnesty International News Release: March 1992)

The Indian Government has failed to implement a 1985 proposal by the Law Commission that would have facilitated the prosecution of those responsible for killing people in custody.
(India Torture, Rape & Deaths in Custody, Al Report: March 1992)