

"Abuse Me"

"You have been chosen to receive my Award for Web Excellence.. not because you're my husband (though that helps me to know the time you've spent on your page!) but because of the wonderful ideas you've presented.. particularly all the hard work that went into your new divination page. That was very well researched, and you deserve to be recognized and commended for it!!"
(Received 6/08/97)

"I am pleased to inform you that your site have been awarded Lucadra's Rose Of Excellence! You may still be an initiate, however you put forth your words with the wisdom of a sage practitioner. Your explanation of divination techniques was especially good, in that it was presented in a manner that ANYONE could understand, Wiccans and Non-Wiccans alike. Needless to say, although I do not practice the religion per se, I do agree with and try to abide by it's fundamental philosophies, and I am impressed by your effort in putting your site together. You have been placed on the winner's list, among some bery good company. Keep up the good work! :-)"
(Received 6/22/97)

"I was very impressed with the work you are doing and would like to compliment you on the obvious hard work and energy you have placed into crafting your pages. Please accept this humble award in recognition of your efforts to dispel the myth, superstition and misconception surrounding our beliefs and way of life."
(Received 8/9/97)

            Doesn't Suck
"In any case, not only does your site exceed the KDS criteria, but I've also linked it at the Break Room on the "Magical Places" page (directly below Aerta's Aerie -- I think you'll appreciate that placement...)."
(Received 11/23/97)

Merry meet my friend, Thank you for inviting me to visit your wifes site. It is indeed a beautiful place. However, I would like to also commend your for your site as well. You have created a warmth and atmosphere that only the Lord could offer. I am honored to give to you my award also. Your page reflects the beauty and peace of the Universe. Brightest of blessings to you also!!! Michael
(Recieved 12/06/97)

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