Long long time ago, in a little italian city, during a hot, marvellous, spring day, was born a cute and lovely baby. She began to give problems to her parents since that day, because she decided by herself to born one month before the date the fairies established. It was a shock for her mom who had to stay in bed for another long month. The little girl didn't grow a lot and since she was 11 years old she was thin as a carrot and her terrible brother used to play "with" her...she was his favourite toy. When our little girl was 8 years old, her mother and father decided to take all the family away from their home to a huge country in the far west. During the next five years Laura and her brother, David, grew up eating tacos, quesadillas and frijoles. They were happy, but one day they had to go back to the natal country. It was the year 1987. In the first 4 years they lived in a town where every year there was a famous car race in a big big park. Here Laura began her classical studies and she hated them!. In August 1991, all the family returned to the natal city and there Laura continued her classical studies....beginning to love them. And now.....well, now our little not so little...she is 26 and she  finished her classical studies... In four years she worked, first as a bartender (I do favoulous "pirlo") then in a Museum, then she took care of japanese fabric importation and at the end as a the end of August 2001.....she has become (as she always wanted) a teacher in junior high school! She teaches italian, history and geography to 22, thirteen years old students. By the way, the 10^of May 2003 another dream came true.....she got married with her Marco!..1 year was passed when they had the great surprise so find out they were going to have a baby........a boy... The 14^ of March 2005 for Laura and Marco has been the most beautiful day of their lives because at 23.51 was born their first son: Nicola! ^_^ And now I really don't know what more silly things my crazy mind is able to IS THE END.

July 1997
March 1998
March 1999
Baby Laura
in Rimini (Italy)
Joel & me in Chicago
Isa & me
August 1999
29 August 1999
December 1999
July 2000
Paolo & me in Bassano del Grappa
Marco (my boyfriend!) & me
Marco & me in Carezza
Bond & me
August 2000
February 2001
February 2001
April 2001
Marco & me in Delos (Greece)
My brother Davide & me at his wedding
Marco & me
aren't we lovely?! ;-)
Again me & Bond, the best dog around!
August 2001
February 2002
December 2002
10^ May 2003

Marco & me
Monastir (Tunisy)

Wednesday (me) & Pugsley (Marco)
My niece Anna and me (isn't she lovely?)
My wedding
August 2003
February 2004
August 2004
April 2005
Me and Marco in Sevilla
The hippies!
Marco & me
in Greece
My son: Nicola