Below, find the people who have signed this petition, so far. New names will be added on a weekly basis. Because this issue is pressing, your signature is most important and urgently required as we will forward this petition to respective government bodies, soon as we have enough signatures. A good, strong impact is required here if we want action to be taken so... Each signature counts!
(name) C. Maertens,
(company)Blindheart Music
If someone issues private information to a third party, is the former hence criminally negligent if the said 'third party' ends up killing, battering or otherwise harrassing someone else, due to the receipt of said private information? Well, in my opinion, such people should be held liable for damages, such as relocation fees, payable to anyone whose privacy they infriged. Matter of fact, these same people should also be held just as criminally responsible as the ensuing crime's perpetrator. Such laws would most surely serve to deter such mindless, careless and negligent attitudes.
It's an issue which has been around for quite a long time
but will we make a difference people? I hope so!!!!
(name)P. Maertens,
(company) Hydrotech
(email) private
John Lennon, Diana... Need I really say more?
(name) S. Iliopoulos,
(company) Bobi & Friends
(email) private
No comment
(name) N. Stathopoulos,
(company) P.M. Productions
We pay taxes to get services. When these services fail, we have a right to complain (loudly) about it. I cannot understand why private information should be divulged to just about anyone who bothers to ask. I also fail to understand how newspapers can take the liberty of issuing an artist's HOME address and not be held legally responsible of the "usual" consequences which ensue from such actions. Selena... Does that name ring a bell?
(name) S. Panos,
(company)Blue-Passed-Two Records
Protection for Artists is a long overdue issue. Confidential? What does that mean nowadays, anyway?
(name) T. Maslia,
(company) Educ@ction Networks
I strongly agree with this petition's contents
Artists are not alone
Regular people suffer from this as well
(name) R. Maslia,
(company) Blindheart Music
This issue needs immediate addressing!!
Pls enforce proper action
Stalkers are a dangerous breed
(name)C. Gouveia,
(company) no company
Just wanted to add my weight to this petition
Email: none available
Good-Bye, Mr. Chips!!
no person whether they be famous or not should have to live
in fear of what crazed lunatic will be breaking into their homes. our
homes are suppose to be a sanctuary for us, a place to go when we do
not want to be bothered. i think it is a real outrage that after
repeated appeals to "the sun's" uk tabloid not to print george michaels
address that they would have the gall to print it again causing this
man to have to move. did jill dando's murder mean nothing!!!! as much
as i love to read about my favorite artist, "george michael", where he
lives is no ones business. please, please do something about this very
important matter immediately!!!!!!!
someone has to do something about it.
Does the word "privace" mean anything nowdays?
If someone signed up to be in public eye that
doesn't mean they singed up to even go home
worrying that someone is waiting for that there.
i hope this petition to have a strong impact.everybody deserves privacy!!!
Need-to-know - seems a simple solution, or is Transparancy
the answer? Intelligence agencies use it. Recently I've seen a lot of
people looking for an external cause to the problem of violence or
social problems. Why not ask who a person is, what she or he wants in
life, and why. There were no video games, pop artists, reporters, movie
stars 500 years ago, yet we still have the same problems, century after
century, under new names with the same faces. With just a small effort,
we can work together to create a peaceful place to live and love.
Insurace agencies want to know everything about the ordinary citizen,
but how much do they need to know? Doctors keep private records of a
patient, so does the government, and people are have spam in their
email and snail mail boxes, from all over the world. How to defeat this
New World Order / All Seeing Eye? Who knows, but let's fight it, before
it's too late, and no one has any privacy, freedom, or whatever the
golden age of! human kind is supposed to be.