All For One & One For All
Urgent Message

George Michael's Participation in the Net-Aid Concert

Want to make a donation to the Net-Aid Fund? Then please make your Cheque or International Money Order PAYABLE to: Net-Aid Foundation and forward it to;

Aegean Records
Re: Net-Aid Foundation
P.O. Box 11879
London N6 5YD

Want tickets to the event? Information:

Or, email

Would you like to know why George, and a bunch of other artists are working so hard toward the Net-Aid Concert?

Would you like to help but don't know how? Feeling a tad helpless? Yeah... I hear ya! I'm there meself!

For those of you who may not have much discretionary income (Some of you are minors and/or students, right?), check out how you can help by reading what follows (erh... and this is just ONE way to help,there are many!);

Every 3.6 seconds, someone dies of hunger in our world. 3/4 of these deaths are children under the (tender) age of 5!! Follow this link and "Donate" free food each day (Only one [1] unique click per day will count/person). The site's sponsors will donate 1 3/4 cups of rice, maize, [etc], for each daily unique click. This, at no cost to you whatsoever! You need only to remember to do this everyday.

One good way to remember to do this everyday would be to make this site your default page, in your web [Internet] browser. How can you do this? Here's how,in easy to follow steps;

  • 1) Right-click your mouse over your browser's icon, on your desktop (erh... ya know? Your computer screen... That little picture you click on to get on the net?)
  • 2) Go to "Properties"
  • 3) Go to "General" (It's a tab, you'll see it)
  • 4) Where you see "http://.... something", enter the following instead;
  • 5) Click on "Apply"
  • 6) Close the window - You're done!

Now, and from now on, each time you log on the net, this site's page (The one figuring the "Donate Free Food" button) will load automatically. See? It wasn'tso bad, was it?

Also... Make your voice heard - Shout out your opinion. Stand united - We are over 4000 strong!! Visit the Net-Aid website to do so. Opt for the cause of your choice but whatever you do, get involved, get heard. Bloody well scream if you have to!! The Net-Aid website may be reached by clicking;

Go see what George is working so bloody hard for - It will remind all of you as to why you love him so much :) It sure did the trick for me, not that I needed areminder, mind you!

Give what you can, if not a tad more but whatever you do, don't let George and the other artists do it all on their own. Let's make them proud to have us all as fans. Let's show them some never before seen support.

Aye-Aye? What are you waiting for? Stand Fast and get to work! Move it, move it, move it!!!

Much love, as always,

Enter "All For One & One For All" Here

Email: Chantilly