Urgent Net-Aid Concert Message EXTRA - EXTRA, HEAR ALL ABOUT IT: George announces his upcoming presence on the Web/Internet EXCLUSIVELY HERE
An amazing GM Picture Gallery with over 160 pictures for you to glaze your eyes over - lol! A new addition to these pages: Some poetry and songs, written by George's fans worldwide are here for all to view Want to know how to pronounce George's name? Let me show you how... Click Here and look up "George's name" on that page. "The 34th George Michæl BIRTHDAY PAGES" wishes and some great LINKS here. NEW, (as of April 27th, 1998) WOULD YOU & GEORGE GET ALONG TOGETHER? Set your own Compatibility Chart with George's, via the use of Matrix Software, and see his Weekly Astrological Forecast, which will be updated here, on a weekly basis from now on. Even cast your own and see what happens ;-)
Welcome to The Collective George Michæl Page - George's oasis on the Web. Until an Official George Michæl Fanclub is created, all who have/want any pertinent information and/or all who wish to participate in the creation/elaboration of this page are welcomed and invited to do so. However, none of George's personal (private) information will be tolerated on this site so stalker-wanna-be's should perhaps fare better elsewhere. There's a saying, in French, which goes; "L'union fait la force" (This is actually Belgium's National Credo - Thank you Veerle!!) and roughly translates to: "There is strength in numbers". Let the later be this page's credo and let's all abide by it for, no greater things have ever been accomplished than those which were created/nurtured collectively. Let us remember that there are two ways to reflect light; One way is to be "The Candle", the other; the mirrors that reflect it. Hence, with all due respect, let us be the later.
CREDITSCredits for these pages, so far, go to the following people; This Site and its Collective Philosophy were originally created/inspired on October 12th, 1996 and this site's clock (its counter) has gone around a few times since... The Main Inspiration for this site's "look and feel" was "A Different Corner", a site operated by Azem Atta (forgive the spelling, if it's wrong - I miss you, today!!!) and, (while the site has yet to be credited as such), "All for One and One for All" has then gone on to inspire yet further sites... Ahhh, the magic of inspiration! Rachael, from the "George Michael Archives" - Initial Technical Input Special Thanks go to all the people hosting/maintaining the sites which are linked to this one - Thanks for your hard work, Guys! Creative Input, R&D (MIDI files, Special pics, Illustrations, etc) and Site Maintenance credits go to Chantilly (Erh...That's me!) from the Blindheart Music Gallery - I also privately host the Blue4U Webfiles, created specifically for George's USA fans. If I've forgotten anyone, forgive me and please let me know and your name will appear here in a New York Minute!! :) Also, please know that proper links will be established to your respective sites in these here credits, soon as I've a chance to do so.
All contents © 1996, 1997, 1998 Blindheart Music Gallery, a division/subsidiary of; P.M. Productions Ltd and Blue-Passed-Two Records Ltd unless otherwise specified - All rights reserved. ![]()
Having problems pronouncing George's name? Let me show you how, click on the jukebox and look up the link that says "George's Name" on that page :) Meanwhile, you may want to hear some music - We have over 30, count'em, George related MIDIs/RAMs/RAs to be found here plus a whole lot more goodies such as Pink Floyd, Jobim, RadioHead, Supertramp, Queen, Oldies, BonJovi, Yanni, etc... :) Jam on!! - Coming soon; more Blues, Jazz and some of my favourite Classical pieces (Mostly Bach) Also, come and check out the NEW DJ LIVE Radio Link for all kinds of music. ![]()
Would any of you like some Moussaka? Aside from being an alltime favorite meal, MOUSSAKA is also the name of this page's GM dedicated Chat Room. Come on in for a chat and BYOB *Hic!* ;-) ![]() Hey Fellow Fans!!! Would some of you want to learn some basic Greek? Have you ever considered it but thought you couldn't possibly find the time to fit it in your schedule? ![]() "DOLMADAKIA" - The "All you wanted to know about George Michæl but were too shy to ask" Page. Includes his astrological birth chart delineation - Come and see if you and George could/would be compatible mates.
What are; "MOUSSAKA", "SPANAKOPITA", "PIKILIA" and "DOLMADAKIA"s? - Favorite foods. Why should you care? Because if you want to learn Greek cooking, ![]() Also, you may wish to add any comments and/or requests for information in this GM guestbook. This guestbook's name, you ask? "PIKILIA" - A bit of everything ;)
![]() and/or through the use of this page's guestbook. We promise a prompt response to all queries and strongly encourage/expect EVERYONE's participation with regards to this page. ![]() You are the ![]() ![]() |