A Publication of the Federation of Spiritual Churches and Associations
September to November 1998
We Are All One!
And Through Our Oneness
There Is No Separation.
Whether You Reside
In Texas Or California
We Are All Connected
Through The Same Divine Source.
So, Let Us Make A Committment
To Meditate, Pray, Or To Focus
Our Attention Upon God
At The Same Time,
On The Same Day, Every Month!
We All Have A Great Deal To Give,
We All Have A Need To Receive.
Time Is Truly Of The Essence,
We Need To Support Each Other
With Our Light And Love -
With Our Very Own God Presence.
What Better Way
To Network With Each Other!
And Make An Appointment
To Be In The Group Light.
1:00PM Eastern
12:00PM Central
O Divine Creator, I give thanks for my yesterdays, For these experiences Have contributed to my awareness Of who I am today, Right now. Help me to keep focused upon the moment, Not burdened with previous happenings And not worried about future possibilities. I know that as I live today, I manifest tomorrow. I give thank for my beingness. I know that I am abundantly and infinitely blessed, as a whole and complete expression of Your Light. Guide me to carry forth, Your direction and inspiration in all I do. Amen. |
AFFIRMATION God, I rejoice in my continuous self-discovery. I am grateful to be who I am, here, now and always. Every hour of the day, I am aware of my Godhood. I walk as light and power. I move as wisdom and love. Everything I manifest, brings exquisite beauty to the universe. I allow the universal life to filter its completeness through my being. I am grateful for every moment of my life. And so it is.
![]() BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rev. David Christian........President, Allentown, PA. Rev. Karen Durski............Sec./Treasurer, Milw., WI Rev. Mary Rose Czajka......Trustee, Oakland, CA Rev. Charlotte Main............Trustee, K. C., MO Rev. Lillian Joyce.................Trustee, Berlin, NJ
Rev. Lloyd Moll........................Allentown, PA Rev. Joy Meyer..................San Francisco, CA Rev. Betty Beatley....................Hollywood, FL Rev. Dr. Fred Jordan...............Escondido, CA Rev. Antoinette Dziavit.............Windham, CT Rev. Alice Lemkul....................Scottsville, VA Dr. Mariam Austin.....................Oakland, CA |
NEW MEMBERS: Donna Hardie, Condon OR Rev. Sydney Potter, Milwaukie OR Helene Staub, Jacksonville FL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: Sharon George, Allentown PA Rev. Catherine Knoblach, Allentown PA Missionary - Rev. Alice Lemkul, Scottsville VA Church of Eternal Life, Westville NJ Ethelaine Chapel, Kansas City MO Getter Memorial, Allentown PA The National Spiritual Alliance Silent Prayer Sanctuary, Chicago IL St. Andrews Church of Metaphysics, Hollywood FL Sunflower Spiritualist Church, Oakland CA All charter memberships in good standing with F.S.C.A., will be listed on our website. Your dues help to support FSCA in sharing and spreading various truths for humanity. Thank You For Your Support! |
Greetings. As President of the F.S.C.A., I am entering my fourth term. As I look back over the few years of my presidency, I am disappointed in the lack of attendance in our festivals; and yet happy at our growth. |
Editors Notes:
Dear Friends,
How’s it going?
I have almost totally given up making any plans or having any deadlines, especially for newsletters. Mike’s been working overtime and I’ve been putting in 10 hour days and just crashing when I get home. I know that you are probably experiencing the flow of life just as rapidly keeping you on the go also.
It’s been difficult. Just the other day I was entertaining the thought of becoming an atheist. I tried talking myself into believing that this presence of God and all these beings I’ve been talking to really do not exist. Thought it might make things easier.
Silly Me!
I try to keep reminding myself to stick to the basics and keep it simple! Here’s something I came across to remind us all of where God IS. Thank you to the unknown person who gave this to me.
where God shines through
For God and I are one not two.
I need not worry, fret or plan,
for God wants me
where and as I am.
And if I just be still and free,
He will carry out His plan
through me.
P.S. We get letters and notes from readers enjoying the newsletter. Thanks for your input and support.
Love and Blessings,
Karen and Mike
The Way Of The Wizard By Deepak Chopra ...you are not what you are thinking. ...You may find this hard to believe, but the thoughts in your head don’t belong to you - they belong to your name, to the roles you have slipped into....To be timeless can be a frightening prospect if you are strongly identified with your role playing....Their sense of ‘I’ is so bound up in names, labels and roles that they haven’t made time to find out who they really are. I enjoy coming back to this book because it is a great confirmation for many truths which I carry. The Way of the Wizard is a book which can be easily used for classes It will present an experience of life written from the back drop of King Arthur and Merlin. It then moves to explain how to understand these experiences and how to live with it. The book shares 20 spiritual lessons which can transform your perceptions and give flight to you soul. I highly recommend this book as an assistance for teaching or as an inspiration for one’s journey. Let Us Know.
By Merry Brown Louisville, KY “It is perplexing to people to be told that all is God when some persons are so ungodly in behavior” It must be understood that Godness is as a small seed with potential of spiritually growing to large plant which buds and flowers eventually to perfection. Not all souls were planted at same time which accounts for some yet being but in seed state of Godness which is not as yet very Godly - but is God all the sameand will grow to Godness overtime.
Do you know the name of the American woman who has had more statues named for her than any other? Is it Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubmann, or Lizzie Borden? Could it be Eleanor Roosevelt or Rosa Parks? The answer is Sacajawea, the Shoshoni Native American who guided Lewis and Clark on their famous westward expedition. |
MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Create a brochure about your church and its history. Maintain a visitor’s sign in book which can be followed up on later. Develop a “get acquainted” packet for new members. Things you might include like you church directory, your bylaws, your written purposes. You know most companies today post on their company walls their MISSION STATEMENT of their company Have Greeters to welcome new members as well as those attending. Provide name tags If possible try and keep in a convenient location. Maybe colored ones for visitors. Advertise. Not all is expensive. Investigate in printed calendar events which smaller city/county newspaper have. Or go in together with another church or organization.
Spirit Communication
Spiritualism has and continues to prove that communication with the so called dead is a fact. It provides environments to develop mediums to accomplish this gift and to learn more from these communications about God and the universe.We don’t see many physical mediums around these days. A person of this sort would have ectoplasm produced from their bodies to manifest spirit life forms for others to see and converse with. We also have had many mediums who did trumpet seances. Both of these experiences were done in a darkened room with great caution and care given to the medium’s physical body. Those who could and still can produce these phenomena went through much development and physical difficulty to achieve these abilities.
People question why we don’t see a lot of this today. Look how communication abilities today in our world keeps changing. Smaller phones, computers, satellites, you name it and it’s becoming more refined and easier and accessible for people to communicate..
Maybe we no longer need to prove that life is continuos.
Maybe we’ve grown in our spirit communication to have it be more refined and less difficult for it to take place.
We find that more in depth mental mediumship and by today’s terminology, channeling, is taking place. No more darkened rooms. Maybe Spiritualism is going through an evolvement of its own. Being brought out into the light so everyone can fully see and experience this abundant phenomena.
Our communication skills to contact spirits and/or other entities are becoming more refined and something everyone should know that they can do for themselves.
By Rev. Mike Gutzmer
First off in this issue, I want to send an appoligy to anyone who has tried to contact us in the last couple of months. We upgraded our computer to Windows 98 from Windows 3.1, heck of a jump. Anyways, when I did that I lost our connection with MCI One. Now before I made the jump, I called them and asked for upgrade software. They said they would send it but I could also get it from their Web Site. Well after I upgraded I went to their Web Site and attemped to down. I promply got a message back saying that they didn’t recognize my platform. After 3 more calls and still no software, I get the bill from MCI with 4 charges for the Internet. So, to make a long story short, I have dropped MCI and we are now connected through Prodigy, so please make a note of our new address. Oh bye the way, if you wrote to us during that time MCI refused to pass on the mail, so please write again.Now that that’s out of the way, I want to let you know that I should finally have everything in line to be doing the FSCA Web Site on my own. Check it out and see what you think. Also, please sign our guest book.
Just a reminder for all of our Members and Auxilery Members if you have a site please send that to either myself or to Al and he will put in a link to you site thru ours and/or his, and if you would be kind enough please link to us. And, if I mention something here and you are not able to get on the Web to find it, call or write and I will try to get you a copy.
Love & Light,
Mine and Karen’s EMail: fol@prodigy.net
Points of Intrest: Here is the latest on Earthquakes from the last couple of days: http://www.nbc4la.com/seismo
Sept. 25, 1998 - 5.2 Magnitude - Ohio Sept. 26, 1998 -4.6 Magnitude - South of Alaska
Sept. 26, 1998 - 4.2 Magnitude - Northwest Territorise, Canada
Sept. 27, 1998 - 5.0 Magnitude - Southern Alaska
And, here is the latest on a Volcano that is near us: http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/ USActivity.html
Popocatepetl, Mexico Location: 19.0N, 98.6W
Elevation: 17,925 feet (5,465 m)
Last Updated: September 26, 1998
A moderate explosion produced a steam, gas and ash plume stretching about 2 miles (3
km) above Popocatepetl on September 23. The activity lasted about six minutes. Ash fall
was reported in several towns on the southwestern side of Mexico City. This is just the
latest in a string of explosive activity at the volcano over the last few days. Due to ejected
rocks during one explosion, one of the main seismic stations on Popocatepetl went out of
operation. As explosive activity could perstist, a warning has been issued for no one to
approach within 2.5 miles (4 km) of the crater.
Earth Changes **** Things To Be Aware OfDid You Know?
FEMA has presented a report advising people to build a safety place within their residence to withstand winds over 200 mile an hour.The Red Cross has detailed brochures for emergencies and survival items you may needed.
You already may be gathering water and food. Don’t forget to put aside extra clothing especially warm ones and also your personal items.
Keeping a reasonable amount of money set aside is good, but also remember that one may want to consider buying coins to keep as a trading commodity.
Consider what reading material you may want to put aside when there maybe nothing else to do.
I was channel surfing one night and came across Pat Robertson's show. Pastor’s were on explaining how they are getting their congregations to gather items for their church community when changes occur. Each family would be responsible for an item — one family may gather honey and another is responsible for flour.
The Russian computer system for their missiles will have no difficulty when the year 2000 arrives. The data fields can handle the 2000 shift.
Watch for 4/1/99 for any difficulty with Y 2 K computer problems. This day is the financial new year for Japan and the state of New York.
So, Do You Really Think This Is Going To Happen? Some folks believe it’s awfully silly to be putting aside survival items and/or being concerned with our computers when we arrive at January 1, 2000.Some folks will believe it when they see it.
Today, you can listen to many different religions and psychics who are saying it is time to prepare. We may have heard this before, but not from such a diverse group of people or organizations.
If you have chosen to “wait and see”, then I would ask you to go into prayer or mediation and ask God directly.
A long time ago, I remembered an experience that I had during sleep time. In this experience, myself and others were gathered in a large white room being instructed on what to do when the earth decided to make its move. We were shown maps and I remember walking up to the wall to view it. It depicted new land forms and what things would be looking like upon this planet. I also know that the detailed information we were given was veiled for the appropriate time of action.
I have usually been rather hesitant to share this with people, but I find that I must as time is of the essence.
Please know that this is not meant to be a message of fear. But instead one of love. We who are called forth to assist this planet gather with in the light of the creator and join with many of our planetary friends to assist humanity on its new journey of life.
You may be part of humanity which experiences inconveniences rather than turmoil.
You will be given intervals of time to adjust and reposition yourselves between earth's movement. Use what time is available to know your God. Review your life habits and ask your self Is It Really Necessary?
As we have stated before, Keep It Simple.
Your desire to know where, what, how is coming. We ask why?
What is pertinent for now is being shared. It is not necessary to burden ones mind with what is not important in the moment.
Be assured that you will be shown what to do. Have the knowingness of what you call faith that your God will not desert you.
Join with your family and friends to manifest the bond of love more fully. Talk about your fears and see them dissipate as you move that energy into motion instead of begin stored within you.
Begin to share with others your concerns and your truths. This will allow the energies to move and have the opportunity to change and heal.
Some of you may here this and ignore it, while others may run out tomorrow to buy, buy, buy.
We ask you to challenge this information for you yourself. Challenge it as if you were to challenge an unknown entity.
Don’t allow your ego’s pessimism nor your ego’s fear to live off balance with this.
Go to God directly, put your information in the light—does it still exist or did it disappear?
Hail To The Glory Of The Light
*** NATURAL CHOICES FOR LIFE ***New Report Suggests At Least Four Supplements Daily Can Promote Health, Prevent Disease
Four supplements a day may deep the doctor away and promote long-term health, according to a new report released 3/31/98 by the Council for Responsible Nutrition(CRN). Daily use of four nutritional supplements (vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium and a multivitamin with folic acid) could cut people's risks of having heart attacks by 40%, protect vision during aging, prevent 50,000 hip fractures annually.... In addition, multivitamin use may substantially reduce infectious disease in the elderly. “We now have a substantial body of data showing that if everyone took a few supplements every day, they could significantly lower their risk of a multitude of serious disease,” said David Herber, M.D.,Ph.D., Director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition at the Univ. of California.Optimal Nutrition for Good Health: The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements is a comprehensive report on the most recent scientific data on vitamins, minerals, fiber, carotenoids, fish oils and other nutritional supplements. The report’s author, Annette Dickinson, Ph.D., CRN’s Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, highlighted the latest scientific data in the report and called upon government and private agencies that establish nutrition policy to recommend the regular use of supplements.
“While it’s sometimes argued that consumers can theoretically get everything they need from a diet, the fact is most people fall short,” Dr. Dickinsons said. “Poor dietary habits are the norm, not the exception.” (Pers. Note: Our soil today does not have the nutrients to give our food that value either. Karen)
Dr. Lester Packer, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology at the Univ. of California, Berkeley, observed that “It is difficult to obtain protective levels of some nutrients solely from diet. We know that generous intakes of the antioxidant vitamins C and E are required to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases. For instance, the amount of vitamin E believed to protect against disease is at least 100 international units (IU) per day, but most researchers think the optimum amount is more likely to be 400 IU. Supplements are clearly required to meet that level.”
Among the elderly, the routine use of multivitamin and mineral supplements could improve immune function and reduce infectious disease.
Regular use of antioxidant vitamin supplements including vitamins C and E could delay the onset of cataracts by 10 years and reduce the need for cataract operations by 50%.
This was taken off the Internet at Health World. http://www.healthy.net/library/news/nyt_yhd.html
Note: I’ve watched the Today Show for a long while. They had a doctor on regularly who in the past stated that vitamins didn’t work. Well, most recently I saw him on t.v. in which he said he was wrong in saying this and that there was proof that these things do help the body. Karen
FUNNY BONE CORNERTaken from the Milwaukee Journal
Submitted by Mrs. D. Sowinski
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dear Abby: ...When I read the letter from “Lucky Old Guy in Oregon,” who’s wife is a health fanatic, I remembered the story about the couple who goes to heaven. It’s really wonderful- everything it’s cracked up to be, and more.
There is beautiful scenery everywhere they look, choirs of angels singing, superlative food and wine, the chance to hobnob with Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, or any of the great thinkers.
After a few days, the man turns to his wife and says,
“You know, I’m really mad at you.” “Why?” she asks. “What did I do?”
He says, “you and your healthy lifestyle - no salt, no booze, no sugar, no meat, no
cigarettes, walk a mile every day. If it weren’t for you, we could have been here 10 years ago!”
Enough Written and Submitted
by Merry Browne
Louisville, KY
To be spiritual
one must be unable
to harm another
In thought-word or deed,
but that is not enough.
One must be helpful
in thought-word and deed,
but that is not enough.
Not until one
forgetful of self,
lives to be of loving service
to others, is it enough.
Let’s Celebrate 150 years of SpiritualismThe Federation of Spiritual Churches and Associations in conjunction with Metaphysical Universal Ministries are looking to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Spiritualism in July or September 1999 in Allentown,Pa.
In order for us to seriously consider this size of a reality to bring Spiritualism into this type of networking - we ask you to take a few minutes to answer the following questions (Please print this form and send it to the address below or E-Mail to fola@prodigy.net):
1. Would you attend?
Yes_________ No_________
2. If Yes, would you be able to participate - (mark all that apply)
As a Vendor ( )
Presenting a Display ( )
Presenting a Lecture or Workshop ( )
Just be there ( )
3. What can F.S.C.A. do for you? ________________________________________________
4.. If you are not a current member, would you consider membership in the F.S.C.A.?
Yes_________ No_________
If Yes, please circle one:
Charter $25.00 Auxiliary $10.00
If No, why not. ____________________________________________________________
4. Is there something you would like to see addressed in the newsletter?
Optional...Your Name:
Thank you for your time and input.
Please return this form to our President:
Rev. David Christian 818 W. Cedar Street
Allentown, PA 18102-1504
LIGHT FOR THE TIMESA Publication of the
Federation Of Spiritual Churches And Associations
Mail Your Submissions Or Suggestions To:
Rev. Karen Durski
4258 S. 26th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53221
OR CALL 414-281-7339
OR EMail-fola@prodigy.net
No submissions will be returned without the receipt of a
Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
Publication Is Quarterly
FSCA Web Site:
Membership Form Available Upon Request $25 Church or Group Membership/$10 Individual
Advertisement Rates All Members.........No Charge
1/4 page, each time, $5.00 1/2 page, each time, $10.00
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and advertisers and not necessarily those of the Board of the FSCA. Make sure you consult a physician for any questions regarding your health, in concert with,any alternative choices you may make..