Name: Shannon Mauldin

Age: 26

Religious Belief(s): Atheist.

Political Orientation: Neo-Conservative 'grass roots' anarchist.

MOTTO: Let's kill our families, over-throw the government, there is no god. . .

Favorite Colour: Colours are merely seconday qualia.

Pro choice/life: Pro life--at point when developing organism is biologically determined 'human'.

Educational Interests: Philosophy

Favorite Novel(s): Slowness--Milan Kundera, Immortality--Milan Kundera, A Season in Hell--Arthur Rimbaud.

Favorite Film(s): Leolo, Trust, Simple Men.

Fashion Aesthetic: Eclectic mix of the contemporary rockabiliy type clothing and casual suits and ties--The 'casually twisted' look.

Favorite Artists: Coop, Picasso, Duschamp.

Best Friend: My wife--Gina. Somehow she manages to tolerate and accept my personality.

Favorite artistic style: Cubism--Bordering on abstraction, cubism captures something fascinating about perception and reality.

Things humorous: 'Christian Science'--How could anyone take Mary Baker Eddy seriously?, Folks that think there really are 'professional' psychics, petty academic politics--the stakes are so small. . ., smokers arguing about the issue of 'choice', irony--in all its numerous manifestations in pop culture.

Favorite Quote: For the unbeliever, infatuated with waste and dispersion, there is no spectacle more disturbing than the remnants of the absolute. . . Where do they find such pertinacity in the unverifiable, so much attention in the vague, and so much ardor to apprehend it as well?--E. M. Cioran.

Favorite Televsion Show: The X-Files--Actually this is the only televsion show that I watch--for those of us who think that the author of *The Blind Watch Maker* and *The Selfish Gene* has an intellectual dipstick measuring about two quarts shy of bone dry.

(click on the picture!)

Cool Links:

Interesting site catering to the fringe elements--very entertaining (potentially distrubing) stuff here about governmental cospiracy and paranormal activity. Some of the stuff is rather intellectually dubious, then again, some of it isn't--check it out.

My friend Joe's homepage (mostly body modification stuff).

My friend Ron's homepage He is getting cranky in his old age. . .

A nifty Quake link. Quake is a first-person splatter game from the makers of DOOM. Very Cool game(s).