How Are Going To Be The Future Years ? By Nikitas Arnaou
Probably we aren't so far from the technological and police-ridden future .In the near years with the excuse of counter terrorism (probably there are going to be some major terrorist actions throughout the world , and especially Europe , because the common sense of the European civilians go against the war on Muslims) everybody should be electronically identified .There recent signs with the surveillance cameras in the streets has the least affect on us. In the distant future there is not going to exist any material money. Everybody would be constrained to do all his transactions via chip which would be probably installed in wrist .Everyone who doesn't have the chip is going to pass difficult times , but it would be a man of God (in all religions ).Nowadays the chip is proposed to be installed in order to have medical info of a patient in critical situations but it doesn't have the right affect to the public .The Chip would have a tracing device where main frame computers would be able to say exactly where your location would be .A recent example is the tracing in cell phones and internet police .Except of the tracing device there going have kings sorts of data in it concerning everyone's personal life .
We should be more open minded than think that such actions are going to be more practical for our living .Such actions violate the most important good of mankind : FREEDOM .
God Bless Humanity.