Ramona Danielson
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND from Fall 1994 - present. Majoring in
Anthropology, French, and International Studies. Cumulative GPA is 3.89; GPA in fields of study is 4.00. Graduation in May of 1999, receiving a B.A. and a B.S. in August of 1999.
Transcript highlights include: French; Spanish; Cultural, Linguistic, and Physical Anthropology courses, in addition to Anthropological Theory; Archaeological Field School in the Dakotas; Geo-archaeological Field Tour of Italy; Archaeological Field School and Cultural Tour in the Samoan Islands; Archaeology Lab; International courses including World Geography, International Relations, Terrorism in the Global Village, Women's Issues in the Global Village, and Model United Nations; English, Philosophy and Humanities through the NDSU Scholars Program; Native American Reserach Internship; Cooperative Education Internship in Electrical Engineering; Honors Calculus sequence; Circuit Analysis I; C++ Computer Programming.
World Wide Web projects include:
Perspectives on International Relocation and
My Personal Home Page.
High School
Attended three high schools due to family moves. Graduated from Fargo South High School, Fargo, ND. GPA of 4.00. Participated in the Summer Honors College at the University of Minnesota 1993; Calculus through Post Secondary Enrollment at Bemidji State University 9/92 - 5/93; and the Minnesota Arts Experience at Moorhead State University, 1991 and 1992.
Work Experience and Special Training
English as a Second Language Tutor, NDSU, Jan 1998 - present
Teach pronunciation, vocabulary, grammer, and cultural context to international students of several cultures.
Tutor through the Student Support Services, TRIO Program, NDSU, Oct 1998 - present
Assist students with study and comprehension skills; tutor in mathematics, computers and typing, English and communication, French.
Archaeology Lab Assistant, NDSU, Sept 1997 - present
Identify and organize archaeological materials from sites around the world. Current project focuses on the analysis of marine material from American Samoa.
Center for Social Research Interviewer , NDSU, Sept 1997 - present
Conduct interviews and surveys by telephone and face-to-face. Learn about survey evaluation techniques.
Archaeological Field School in the Dakotas Participant, University of North Dakota (UND), Jun-Jul 1998
Archaeological excavations focusing on Plains Indian cultures. Learned site preparation; excavation and documentation methods; received introductions to interpretation, GPS, surveying, and geophysical remote sensing, in addition to historical, cultural, and regional contexts. Visited many sites and museums. Tahuka Site, James River, ND - 4 weeks. Whistling Elk Site, Missouri River, SD - 2 weeks.
Milligan Museum of the American Indian Intern, Cass County Historical Society at Bonanzaville, Dec 1997 - Jan 1998
Native American Research Intern: assisted the program director in research, identification and description of artifacts. Entered records into data base, and learned condition assessment and recommendations for restoration and proper curation of artifacts.
Samoan Islands Cultural Tour Participant, NDSU, Jun 1997
Cultural Tour of Western Samoa, 1 week. Experienced traditional culture while viewing environmental, historical, and archaeological sites.
Samoan Islands Field School, NDSU, Jun 1997
Archaeological Excavation in American Samoa, 3 weeks. Received extensive hands-on experience in excavation and documentation techniques.
Memorial Union Art Gallery Attendant, Jan 1995 - May 1997
Responsibilities included welcoming and providing information to visitors; selection, installation, striking, and maintenance of exhibitions; public relations and advertisement; cleaning, hanging, organizing, and documenting pieces of the art collections.
Rosemount, Inc., Intern, Jun - Aug 1996
Electrical Engineering Internship through the Cooperative Education Program at NDSU. Assisted the liquid crystal display (LCD) development team. Worked to create a test-unit for the LCDs; learned soldering and wiring techniques.
NDSU Festival Concert Hall, Sept 96 - current, usher
NDSU Union Dining Services, Jan 1995 - present, several capacities based on customer and food service
Piece of Cake, Apr - Jun 1994, cleaning and delivery
KBW Associates Construction, Inc., Jul 1992, cleaning
Volunteer Experience
Women's Network of the Red River Valley: May 1996 - present. Activities have included writing and presenting about the Society of Women Engineers 1996 National Convention; assisting with newsletters; attending and supporting activities in the community; fundraising.
Lutheran Social Services Refugee Program: Dec. 1996 - May 1997. Assisted a family from Cuba in transition to the culture and community; tutored in English; provided goods and transportation. Interviewed refugees for my International Relocation project.
Memorial Union Visual Arts Committee and others associated with the Memorial Union Art Gallery: Mar 1995 - May 1997. Discussed and addressed university and student government issues with the program; involved with program advocacy and advertisement; viewed art and selected program schedules; prepared agendas and conducted meetings.
Girl Scouts Badge Day and Expanding Your Horizons: 1995, 1996. Helped in designing and conducting engineering and science related experiments for elementary and junior high school girls; encouraged young women to be involved in science and technology.
Other Projects, 1992 - present. Tutored in English, mathematics, computers; Special Olympics, fundraised for United Way and Big Brother/Big Sister, assistant at Americana nursing home; assistant at April Shelter for young mothers; holiday meal and gift programs.
Honors and Awards
EPSCOR Research Grant, for Summer 1999; Project will focus on the analysis of marine materials from American Samoa, based on those collected in 1997, and those to be collected this July, 1999.
NDSU Scholars Program: a four-year program incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives and focusing on literature, composition, and critical analysis.
Scholarships: NDSU Presidential Scholarship (4 years); ND Program for Scholars (4 years); Byron L. Berntson Memorial Scholarship; Delsie Holmquist Memorial Scholarships (College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Scholars Program); Helgason Engineering and NDSU Society of Women Engineers Chapter scholarships; others.
Dean's List: From Fall 1994 - present; College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Engineering and Architecture.
Honor Societies: Golden Key National and Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Societies.
University Organizations:
University Chorus, Fall 1994 - Fall 1997
Society of Women Engineers, Fall 1994 - Spring 1997. Representative at two national conventions, vice-president, chair of public relations. Gained experience in formal letter writing and fund campaigning.
Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers, Spring 1995 - Spring 1997.
Participation in activities of the Native American Student Association and the International Students Association.
Other Activities:
Attended numerous university and community lectures, performances, and celebrations of: archaeology, architecture, art, math, science, literature, poetry, dance, theater, ethnic traditions, music, concerts, women's issues, and human rights.
Attended classes through NDSU Skills Warehouse in: Medieval Swordfighting, Tibetan Meditation, Tai Chi Chih.
Numerous extracurricular activities in high school, with positions of leadership: journalism, Key Club, speech/debate, band and choir, academic and math teams, international student association.
Opportunities for International Experience within the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at NDSU, for the Board of Trustees and the NDSU Development Foundation Annual Meeting, Oct 9, 1997, Fargo, ND
Opportunities for International Experience within the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at NDSU, for Family Weekend at NDSU, Sept 27, 1997, Fargo, ND
The Way of the Shaman, The Basic Workshop, conducted by Dr. Bill Brunton, Mar 7-8, 1998, Fargo, ND
Model United Nations Conference, conducted by the Rocky Mountain Region, Feb 26-28, 1998, Denver, CO
Grant-Writing Workshop, conducted by the Lake Region Arts Council, Jan 6, 1998, Fergus Falls, MN
Intensive Workshop on the Commerical Sexual Exploitation of Women, conducted by the Women's Network of the Red River Valley, November 7-8, 1997, Fargo, ND
Society of Women Engineers National Convention and Student Leadership Conference , sole NDSU representative, Jun 1996, Portland, OR
Society of Women Engineers National Convention and Student Leadership Conference , sole NDSU representative, Jun 1995, Boston, MA
Society of Women Engineers Region H Conference in Madison, WI, 1994
Travel (international, domestic, regional road-trips)
Learning languages, linguistics, mathematics
Gender and women's issues, cultures, human rights, environmental issues
Music, reading, discussion of ideas and films, multi-disciplinary perspectives
Spending time with family and friends
Dancing, camping, hiking, fishing
References and additional information are available on request.
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