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This was my original website, back from the days when Geocites was divided into "cities." I was in Athens/Delphi and wrote for the Athens Times.
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And God said, "Let there be humor!"
A Partial List of John of AllFaith's Web Offerings |
I've lived with it since 1989! My Original CFIDS/FMS Ring of Friends |
I know this will come as a great shock, but not everyone appreciates what I do here! ![]() ![]() Hosted by Dreambook |
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Recommends the Following: Marsha Stevens' Born Again Lesbian Music (BALM Ministries)
I'm honored to volunteer with Marsha's web domain and manage her guest book. |
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John Not The Apostle Also Unknown as The Shroud of Touring: |
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![]() ![]() Visit John of AllFaith's Thus Says the Prophets! WebsiteThese are the Days the Prophets Spoke Of!
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Just to be clear from the beginning:
What I'm hoping to offer here at AllFaith.com is not so much a particular way of thinking as an encouragement to think. I believe there is no occupation in life more important or fulfilling than spiritual development and discovery. Reaching for the One is the very reason for our existence! It is this eternal reaching rather than any grasping or even eventual attaining that makes existence glorious and worthwhile. We seek because this is our natural occupation; it is what we do. We do this in diverse ways, but we are all Reaching for the One by whatever names and labels we use. Where (or even if) our Holy Quest will lead who can say? I make no claims of "divine knowledge" and I don't believe anything written here is the "Gospel truth." I'm just a seeker of Truth and this domain contains some of my thoughts at various points along my sojourn. Some of the writings here reflect my current beliefs and others do not. I don't even believe everything written here myself, so I'd never expect you to! So please take what works for you and leave the rest on a shelf. That way we'll both be happy! I pray you will be blessed and inspired by some of what you find here. I, John of AllFaith, am the author of everything you will find on this domain, unless otherwise noted.
About SPAM:
AllFaith.com does not, has not and will not EVER send a SINGLE piece of Spam to ANYONE. We collect NO visitor Information from this domain or any other. Spammers simply place bogus information in the "from" section of their mail programs and voila. NO ONE has or EVER WILL receive a single piece of Spam from this domain but there seems to be nothing we can do to stop this identity theft from happening. Don't waste your time writing me about it, I didn't send it!If you'd like to contact me, please use my contact form by clicking here.
If there is a Hell, I sincerely hope it has an extra special hot place for Spammers! I get so much spam I can't even use my own domain mail anymore! Now it appears these forms may not be spam-proof either! Urg! I don't like SPAM!A Brief History:
Since 1969 I've been involved with many diverse spiritual and religious disciplines, as will be obvious from the various offerings of this domain. Here at AllFaith.com and its related websites I share some of my experiences and insights in an effort to encourage others to keep Reaching for the One. I make no money from this or any other web domain. In case you're interested, I hold a Calvary Chapel (Christian) Ordination, an independent Missionary Baptist (Christian) ordination, an MA in Religious Studies from JFKU, an ordination in Ministry and Spiritual Counseling from the Interfaith Seminaries, an ordination from the Universal Life Church, and am Pastor Emeritus of Grace Inclusive Church. To varying degrees I have worked and studied with many different groups. I attained the position of Vaisnava brahmana within the International Society for KRSNA Consciousness and within the Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math (both members of the greater Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya). I'm a former student of Swami Muktinanda's Sidha Yoga Foundation and an initiate of the Yoga Society (of Sri Ramamurti Mishra). I was initiated as a Welsh Traditionalist Pagan priest. I have been a Wahabi Sunni Muslim. I've been a Taoist and a member of various Buddhist sects, including the Dharmad Hatu of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. I've been involved with various Hindu sects from diverse traditions. I've delved into the Occult Arts and the teachings of Gurdjieff, Madame Blavatsky and others. I've worked, worshipped and studied closely with numerous Christian denominations and movements including Missionary, Primitive, Seventh day, and Southern Baptists, Roman and Eastern Orthodox. I've been one of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, a Pentecostal, a Charismatic, Methodist and an active member of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches and the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), etc. I was a Missionary to Central America, carried a 12x6 foot wooden cross on my back from Atlanta Georgia to San Antonia Texas, and have been involved with numerous other groups and movements too numerous to mention, although more is mentioned in Mystory and my Religious Studies sections. All this and eighty bucks will buy my next tank of gas! (Can you believe these prices! Sheesh!) In June 1997, I launched my first web site at AOL.com. It was called Jagannatha's Roam'n Church (as in roaming around looking for the Truth ). "Jagannatha dasa" (or servant of the Lord of the Universe) is one of my initiated names (I have several). Around August of 1997 I left AOL and created two websites, one at Geocities and the other at Tripod. Learning more about HTML and the Web, on September 12, 1998, I created AllFaith.com, and this remains my central on-line identity. I also maintain a web site at Powwow. For a while I also owned Jesusfolower.com and SurferJohn.com, but have let those go. On January 7, 2005 I created SriJagannatha.com and at about the same time I closed SurferJohn.com. More than you ever wanted to know no doubt ;-) You are cordially invited to roam through all of my sites and domains. The other domains, with the exception of SriJagannatha.com which is a completely separate thing, contains the same basic material as Allfaith.com, except that here you don't get pop-ups, bandwidth caps, and it's updated more often ;-) Please note: All of the original material on the sites are copyrighted and while you are welcome to copy anything for your own use, none of the material found here may be published in any form without my express written permission. I make no money off these sites and you shouldn't either. Please use the links above and to the left or the search engine below to find your way around AllFaith.com. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I'm here to serve. I hope you enjoy your time at AllFaith.com! May you be blessed! Keep on consciously Reaching for the One and your life will be successful!