Who Was Zamyatin?
Brief Biography: He was born in the province of Lebedyan in 1884 and was raised on the works of the great Russian romantics including Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin and others. He grew up under the rule of the last Russian Tsar, and in reaction against the oppression and more importantly censorship of Tsarist rule, he became an active bolshevik revolutionary. When the revolution came, however, it brought no end to the censorship, and so he became a leader of the literary resistance. After repeated clashes with the government he reached the point that he was completely unable to publish anything. He went into voluntary exile in 1932 and lived in Paris until his death in 1937. A Brief Description of His Work His works have beautifully crafted and poetic prose, rich in the styles of Russian folk-tales. He wrote many short stories as well as plays and novels. He was adept at using satire, sarcasm and irony to create vivid and poignant tableaus of Russian life. Although Zamyatin's works are almost completely unknown due to the censorship he suffered he remains a very important and influential writer.
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