Horary Astrology
Latin - "of the hour." This is Classical Astrology as
practised before 1880. It deals with answering questions by analysis
of a chart erected for the time that the
question was asked. The questions may be such as "Where are my
lost keys" "Who will win the game" or "Will the man I want marry me "
Ron Bippus
instructs these techniques as they were utilized at the time of
William Lilly, (1602 to 1681) who authored several books on Classical
and Horary astrology. In addition to learning the basics of Horary, the
choosing of a chart for a coming
event, commonly called Electional
astrology will be covered as well in this course. Ron also includes the
outer planets, not discovered in Lilly’s time, in his teachings. Ron
will also cover marriage charts, event chart analysis, as well as
mundane or political forecasts.
The first few lessons will consist of instruction in classical
analysis of natal charts since most students are lacking in that
Astrology, the choosing of good times to list a house, marry someone or
list a house for sale will also be covered in detail at the end of the
Textbook needed for the course – HORARY HANDBOOK – by Ron
The current course began Sunday
26 2006 at 1PM.
Cost is $250.00 per course.
The fee includes the textbook and 25 lessons and is available as a
correspondence course. Students will get one to one tutoring via email,
and a certificate issued by CAAE,
the Canadian Association for
Astrological Education.