Chicago '68

 Other sites on the web

Hello Democrats

Convention Week and the Conspiracy Trial

An excerpt from No One Was Killed by John Schultz.

An excerpt about Chicago ’68 from Steal This Dream by Larry Sloman.

Terry Southern’s 1968 Esquire article about Chicago ’68.

Janet Heettner was in Lincoln Park during the Convention Week actions. She has an excellent, well-illustrated website that gives an overview of the convention and the demonstrations.

A few of Paul Sequeira’s photos from August 1968.

James P. Turner was a civil rights attorney in the US Justice Department in 1968; he was in Chicago to observe the demonstrations. Later that year he was involved in the indictment and prosecution of eight Chicago police officers on civil rights charges. In 1996 he wrote a short essay about the Convention Week violence.

The Chicago 7 Trial—an extensive website on the Conspiracy Trial, by Douglas O. Linder.

An excerpt from The Chicago Conspiracy Trial by John Schultz.

Related sites

Project 1968 is a serialized docu-novel about two young women on their way to the 1968 Democratic Convention. It is written by Laura Axelrod.

An extraordinary chronology of 1968 in Europe, country-by-country.

The Sixties Project

The Digger Archives

The Whole World Was Watching: an oral history of 1968—a joint project of South Kingstown High School (R.I.) and Brown University’s Scholarly Technology Group.

The Social Action Collection at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin is an archive of material related to social movements of the 1960s.

LBJ phone conversations—audio files of some of LBJ’s telephone conversations from throughout his presidency.

The National Security Archive at Georgetown. This very rich source of declassified documents includes material relating to the Pentagon Papers. Also there is material here on the student uprising in Mexico: Tlatelolco Massacre—Declassified U.S. Documents on Mexcico and the Events of 1968

A huge amount of material on COINTELPRO, the FBI’s counter-intelligence program of the 1960s and 70s has been assembled by Paul Wolf.

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