Screen Name: Jdhexen Member Name: Jane P. Davidson Ph.D. Location: Reno Nevada USA Occupation: Historian Biographer of E. D. Cope Quote: Read and learn all thee can. E.D.Cope
PRI homepage Paleontological Research Institution
Below are some websites pertaining to paleontology research and collections. Enjoy!
A huge list of museum websites.
American Museum of Natural History
University of Nevada, Reno homepage
Here I am hugging (more or less) one of our beautiful redwoods.
Dinosaur mailing list archives and lots more.
Looks better after I sat it back upright doesn't it?
New exhibit "Paper Dinosaurs" at Linda Hall Library Univ. Missouri, Kansas City
Here's a couple new sites to check out.!!
Elasmosaurus with his head in the right place ;-)
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Fossil sites and museums in western Colorado and eastern Utah.
Mike Keesey's newly designed dinosaur pages with many interesting things.
John Hutchinson's "dinolinks" page
Like that last list? Here's another.
Stanley Friesen's Master Dinosaur List
Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette
Dinofest 98 at Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia
John Francis's dino pages with all kindsa stuff!
Here's another tree to hug.
Yes, I know that O.C. found this fellow first, but isn't it a nice image anyway?
Darren Tanke of the Royal Tyrrell Museum's paleopathology page
Museum of Victoria's nifty website with all kinds of dinosauria including T. rex.
Online earth sciences resources
Paleo Ring
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Vince's Park Paleontology page
Who Done It? Asteroid or What??
Dinosaur genera list (includes genera not presently considered to be dinosaurs)
Elasmo has his head on straight and Ed's has returned!!
Read about the reward at Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette
Dinosaur Provincial (Alberta CA) Park
New Mexico Museum of Natural History Dinosaurs in New Mexico
He's here. He's BIG.... read on ...
Gigantosaurus at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Changes last made on: Sunday May 27, 1997 22:12 EDT
Thanks to Matt Fraser, who helped me set up this mirror site.
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