Welcome to the best advice page about language!

serendipity - 12/20/99 01:55:35
Any problems you haven't asked about?: masses

Well done. I come from a long line of pedantic little know-alls and am happy to see that we haven't died out yet. You will be glad to know I have produced two offspring who are happy to continue the tradition. This makes me a very proud old builder.

billabud - 12/17/99 10:44:56
My URL:http://ozemail
My Email:billabud@ozemail.com.au

yes I did ask a question.now I'm going back to look at the rest

Max Tomlinson - 12/13/99 07:44:48
My Email:tomlinsonm@nqn.newsltd.com.au

I have just found this site and have lovingly added it to my favourites. I had a wonderful English teacher at school called Brother Rooney, who taught us to love the language. This site is the answer to my prayers. Max Tomlinson

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 01:38:53

Je n'aime pas vraiment votre page. Elle ne pensent pas que c'est très intéressant. Vous devriez l'essayer encore. J'espère que ceci aide. Bonne Chance!

summer - 11/18/98 22:09:29
My URL:http://sorry
Any problems you haven't asked about?: heaps

This homepage will come in very handy for me, but I am sure that is why you suggested I visit....smiles.......subtle !!!

Madeleine - 11/17/98 20:21:29
My URL:None yet!
Any problems you haven't asked about?: 1) Whence the word "pshaw"? 2) Is "whence" hopelessly outdated?

Dearest of Pedants, I am so happy we met! You truly deserve the claim to be Higgins. If you make as much progress with me as he did with Eliza, you will have done no small service to the academic community of scribbling paper-writers. :) ---Madeleine

- 11/01/98 12:43:08
My Email:pedant@senet.com.au

aye, 'tis a miracle of pedanticism indeed!

10/26/98 10:14:49
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

geoffsmith - 09/04/98 00:16:49
My Email:gspraus@ozemail.com.au
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Is there enough space?

I don't have a home page. Perhaps I'll get one.

Andrew Bechman - 04/20/98 22:20:47
My Email:abechman@aol.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: no

thanks for your help

yin-yang - 03/18/98 20:56:23
My URL:/CapitolHill/Lobby/3093
My Email:bogus@email.com

Very interesting page....and also very interesting meeting you....*s* See you around the Hill.

Susan - 02/24/98 04:26:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeacg/Lagoon/9149
My Email:hellsusan@hotmail.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: *grin* not yet

Haven't had a chance to read it all, but wantd you to know I made it here without any accidents what so ever!!!!!!

Lisa - 02/16/98 22:01:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/9145
My Email:tenn_teach@geocities.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Well, I do have this tiny little problem of missing my Athens chat friends!

Dear 21/M/Aussie dude! What an enlightening page you have here!(er..was that correct punctuation?) Anyway..you're a dear friend as well as a dear pedant! See ya in the chats! From the eternal Goddess of the Tennessee Nile!

Jan - 10/25/97 12:18:58
My Email:sojourners9@hotmail.com

Its great to see a page about the English language!! Well done!!!

Heddy - 09/25/97 23:59:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/4556
My Email:girlrule@hotmail.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: No, but thank you kindly for offering.

This is a very quaint page! I would comment more, but I'm afraid that you'll correct (attack?) my grammar, and that would crush my spirit. Au revoir!

Maureen - 09/24/97 01:37:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/3662
My Email:maureenmoe@hotmail.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Hmmm, no, but thanks for offering.

Interesting concept (as long as you didn't write all the questions yourself :) for a page. Just so you know, my favourite word is "cacophony." Maureen, aka Goldberry

Isabella - 09/22/97 18:11:31
My Email:bundle@mailcity.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: This isn't related to English but why is bread masculine in Spanish, then feminine when you toast it? Is there some secret in the oasting process (could be useful for sex-change operations...)?

I'm really glad I've met you in Athens -- or any other place, for that matter. You're a great guy. Keep up the good work. I'll grade your page when I'll be a professor (hopefully in your life time!!)

Babs - 09/16/97 23:16:28
My Email:bocefis@hotmail.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Ummm.... nope...

Hey!! Glad we could chat. I hope we can again soon. You're a great guy. Talk to you soon. Bye!!

Bosey/Steinway - 08/23/97 12:08:42 GMT

An interesting and enlightening page. Hopefully my general knowledge (and essay marks) should improve.

Gëmïñïï - 08/14/97 06:26:17 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/6967
My Email:zodiac_stars@hotmail.com
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Not at this time

Like the page. Keep up the good work!!!

SoulStar - 07/23/97 23:56:36 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/9127
My Email:soulstar@gte.net
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Life.....*g*

groan.....reminds me of high school English class, parsing sentences....*g* (did I even remember that term correctly?) So I guess I can come to you with all my writing questions....hehe See you in Athens Chat.....good job!

Digression - 07/21/97 06:13:30 GMT
My Email:avogan@sprynet.com

It was a pleasure making your acquaintance in Athens Chat. I hope to see you again. I will return to your page in the future. It's a great idea. Good page.

Cleo - 07/14/97 03:06:22 GMT
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Nothing you won't correct me on in Athens.

It's wonderful! Exactly the type of page I need. You know I'll return. Now, about that bet...

SOCRATES - 07/11/97 03:18:47 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/forum/9835
My Email:richs@conknet.com

I think that the theme to your page is great. What a wonderful and novel idea. This should keep you quite busy. Good luck with it. I might throw a few questions at you. Enjoy.

Lady of Shalott - 06/27/97 21:31:38 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/4089/
My Email:anathia@geocities.com

Any problems you haven't asked about?: Naught that I can recall...

You've got a very interesting idea, here. I am enamoured with words. (I should be, I want to be a professional author one day!) I look forward to ee ng the site as it progresses! Ganosis (Greek): The process of polishing marble statues.

Crazy - 06/26/97 07:29:58 GMT
Any problems you haven't asked about?: Heaps!

Just found this page. I'll be back!

Gobemouche - 06/22/97 09:04:12 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Track/7226
My Email:gobemouche@geocities.com< r>Any problems you haven't asked about?: No, but I'll think of something

An excellent page. Keep up the good work!

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