See you soon!
84. Which classmates were our senior class officers? Who were our senior class advisors?
Answer - President - Lisa Canty, Vice-President - Doreen Boschee, Secretary - Teresa Coss, Treasurer - Denise Robinson; Advisors - Mrs. Rita Hanley and Mr. Dale Stol
83. Which classmates were cheerleaders in our senior year?
Answer - Lisa Canty, Wendy Eager and Margaret Lund
82. What television network was born in 1980?
Answer - Cable News Network (CNN)
81. Which classmate met and shook hands with President Clinton?
Answer - James Goodart met and had his picture taken with President Clinton in Korea.
80. According to the World Health Organization, what disease was declared destroyed forever in 1980?
Answer - Smallpox
79. What was Campus to Careers? Who was its president and secretary/treasurer for our senior year?
Answer - It was a club that offered students a chance to learn about the world of business, giving members an opportunity to meet with and observe operations of businesses in our community. President - Elizabeth Mattos, Secretary/treasurer - Diana Baker
78. Which classmate is that in the last picture on our Picture page Reinlisting in the Military? Our classmate is the one on the right in the photo.
Answer - Glen Coberly
77. Which classmate is a licensed rodeo person who rides bulls that weigh 1500 pounds and more?
Answer - Preston Gordley
76. What was WHS's Fight Song?
Answer -
Heaven help the foes of Washington,
Their trembling at the feet of mighty Washington,
The boys are there with bells,
Their fighting blood excells,
It's harder to push them over the line,
Than past the dardenells.
Patriots the pride of Washintgon,
Forever we will prodly shout
And o're the land the loyal band
will sing the glory of Washington forever.
The classes competed for the now defunct, much lamented, forever to be mourned, no longer used pep keg by singing this song as loudly as possible at a pep assembly in 1980. Yeah, we won. Sidebar: I believe it was Judi Horne who wrote a scathing editorial about the school administration's decision to do away with the pep keg because it was thought to symbolize beer. (It did for more than a few). She suggested that the keg be replaced with a pickle barrel so that the powers that be could then ruminate on the propriety of cheering for the symbolism of a whiskey barrel! These remarkable tidbits brought to you by some unknown trombonist in the school band.
75. Which classmates were on the golf team that won the 1980 State Seamont League Championship? At the fall sports banquet, what did these classmates win recognition for?
Answer - Tim Daheim, John Herrmann, Tim Kittelsby, and John Nokelberg. At the Fall Sports Banquet they were recognized as follows: Tim D - Most Inspirational and Most Outstanding; John H. - Best Looking Macho Person; Tim K. - Team Lover; and John N. - Biggest Eater.
74. Which WHS teacher volunteered his time to visit prisoners?
Answer - Mr. Henkel. He visited prisoners and helped to set up a "One on One" Volunteer program at the prison.
73. What puzzle drove people crazy in 1980?
Answer - The Rubik Cube
72. Which classmate has been a member of a nudist club since 1987?
Answer - Bill Haynal
71. What happened in Washington State in 1980 that still ranks as a Top World Headline for that year?
Answer - Eruption of Mount St. Helen's Volcano
70. What WHS group won an award that no other group in the state of Washington had ever won before in our Senior year? What was the award?
Answer - The WA-83rd AFJROTC won the highest award possible, "Honor Unit". It was the first time any unit in the state of Washington had ever received the award which ranked the corp in the top 5% of all the units in the nation.
69. Which classmate got married for the first time last Saturday?
Answer - Michele Komen. Congratulations Michele!!
68. What paper product was invented in 1980?
Answer - Post-it Notes
67. Who was voted Class Couple in the 1980 Senior Hall of Fame?
Answer - Judie Horne and Tim Pajari
69. Which five classmates received free memory books because they were the first to register for our reunion? Really...we actually have winners now!
Answer - Bruce Kelly, Diana Baker, Doreen Boschee, Julie Figler, and Teresa Coss
68. Who stole the show modeling flashy stream-lined woman's bathing attire during a beauty contest at the gong show in our sophomore year?
Answer - Bryon Bahr
67. Who was president of the United States during our time at WHS?
Answer - Jimmy Carter
66. Which classmate is going to Korea for a month in July?
Answer - Susan (Pell) Govig. She will be teaching at a Woman's College there.
65. Who was the Drill Team Captain in our senior year?
Answer - Beth Linton
64. What WHS Tradition involved a lake? What was the name of the lake?
Answer - The tradition was to throw the underclassmen into the lake. Wakes Lake.
63. Who were the "Peppers"?
Answer - The Pep Club. It's motto was "Be a Pepper". It's president was Lisa Martin.
62. Which classmate had a Tune-up Tip feature in our school newpaper?
Answer - Tim Pajari
61. What TV show won the emmy for Outstanding Game Show for the 1979-1980 season?
Answer - It was a tie. The Hollywood Squares and The $20,000 Pyramid
60. Which classmate was a volunteer fireman in his senior year?
Answer - Norton Schimke
59. Which classmate had a weekly fashion feature in our school newpaper?
Answer - Jane Michelson
58. Why did they always lock the doors to the buildings during lunch?
Answer - So that we could not disrupt the classes that were in session.
57. Which classmates played on the boys varsity baseball team in our senior year?
Answer - Bryon Bahr, Brian Bradner, Tony Gregovich, Mike Ramalho, Doug Smith
56. Which classmates played on the girls slowpitch team in our senior year?
Answer - Penny Bartow, Jill Brown, Julie Figler, Judie Horne, Michelle Stoskopf
55. Which classmate now lives in Utah?
Answer - Doreen (Boschee) Delullo
54. Which classmates were voted Most Athletic in the 1980 Senior Hall of Fame?
Answer - Sharon Colburn and Jeff Rohr
53. What actress won the Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama Series for the 1979 - 1980 televison season?
Answer - Barbara Bel Geddes, Dallas
52. Which two classmates now live in Alaska?
Answer - Ruth Christianson and Carlin Myrbo
51. Who went into the Air Force Reserves right out of High School, and is still enlisted today?
Answer - Cheri Byrd
50. Which classmates were president, vice-president and secretary of the International Cultural Club (ICC) in our senior year?
Answer - President - Gail Whitley, Vice-president - Lisa Canty, Secretary - Debbie Stringer.
49. How many nightmares are Patty and Carmen having per week that no one will register for the reunion?
Answer - Patty - One to two. Carmen - None...yet. We received our first registration entry!! The winner is Bruce Kelly. Thanks Bruce! Everyone else, get busy.
48. Which five classmates received free memory books because they were the first to register for our reunion?
Answer - None so far. See question 49.
47. Which classmates married other classmates?
Answer - Teri Bottiger and Ken Blair; Connie Curtis and Doug Smith; Krestin Hong and Bryon Bahr; Lynnette VanBeek and Jeff Rohr.
46. Which classmates went to state in wrestling in our senior year?
Answer - Ken Blair, Jeff Rohr (1rst in state), and Gail Walters
45. Who were ASB President, Vice President,Treasurer and Secretary in our senior year?
Answer - President - Jane Michelson, Vice President - Patty Rivers, Treasurer - Mary McLaughlin, Secretary - Carlin Myrbo
44. What couple was our class's homecoming royalty in both our sophomore and junior year?
Answer - Teresa Coss and Andy Kyllo
43. Who won the 1979-1980 Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series?
Answer - Richard Mulligan, Soap
42. Which classmates were voted Class Flirts in the 1980
Senior Hall of Fame?
Answer - Autumn Busching and Scott Faker
41. Which College football team won the Pac 10 Conference in 1980?
Answer - University of Washington
40. Which seniors went to France during interim in our senior year?
Answer - Pam Bleasdale and Michele Komen
39. Which classmates are now teachers?
Answer - All of the following are. Have heard there are more, so if we missed you, let us know! Bryon Bahr, Paco Cartledge, Krestin Hong, Bruce Kelly, Andy Kyllo, Kevin Morrow, Mark Olson, Susan Pell, Jeff Rohr, Kelly Stewart, Madeline Trotter, Bill Wernofsky.
38. Which classmates were voted Class Brains in the 1980
Senior Hall of Fame?
Answer - Cindi Wickton and Bill Wernofsky
37. For the reunion, how many classmates have we found (verified
address for) so far?
Answer - Out of 300 classmates, we have confirmed addresses for 188, or 63%. Lots have been found thanks to you! And we are still looking!
36. Who was our Guidance Counselor in 1980?
Answer - Jr.& Sr. - Mrs. Eastby; Soph
& Jr. - Mr. Schimke; Vocational - Mr. Ross.
35. What was the Country Music Album of the Year in 1980?
Answer - "Drivin' My Life Away" by
Eddie Rabbitt.
34. What was the name of our WHS newspaper and who were the
Editor and Co-Editors?
Answer - "Freedom Press", Editor
Judie Horne; Co-editors Jane Michelson, Patty Coppin.
33. How big was our senior class?
Answer - According the the list in the
yearbook, 300.
32. Who was the 1980 Acadamy Award winner for best actor in a
leading role?
Answer - Robert DeNiro, Raging Bull.
31. Which classmates were band president and vice-president in
our senior year?
Answer - President - Cindi Wicktom, Vice
President - Laurie Harris.
30. Guess which classmate co-starred in an episode of the
Golden Palace with Betty White, Estelle Getty and Rue McClanahan?
Guess which classmate also co-starred in an episode of a pilot
called "The Antagonists" with Lauren Holly?
Answer - Sonja Hunt.
29. Which three classmates all held the same exact job,
working for the same boss, at different times in their careers?
Answer - Carmen (Ayuso) Marshall, Teresa (Coss)
Ettel, and Mary McLaughlin; All worked at Costco in the buying
department - automotive (tires).
28. Which classmates were voted Best Dressed in the 1980
Senior Hall of Fame?
Answer - Margaret Knudtson and Chuck Greene.
27. What happened at our first assembly at WHS when we were
Answer - Will Detering's dad brought in a pony
from Detering's rental ponies and the Juniors and Seniors yelled
"Keithly Kolts" as the pony pranced around the gym.
26. Which classmate was the editor of our Senior Yearbook? Co-Editor?
Answer - Editor - Carlin Myrbo. Co-Editor - Jeff
25. Who won the NBA Championship in 1980? Who was the MVP?
Answer - Championship - LA Lakers (vs 76ers).
MVP - Magic Johnson.
24. Which classmate now lives in Cambridge, MA and works for
Samual Adams?
Answer - Mary McLaughlin.
23. Who was the 1979-1980 WHS Daffodil Princess?
Answer - Joan Ellingson.
22. What was Queen's biggest selling single in 1980?
Answer - Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
21. Which two classmates (one male, the other female) had
their pictures reversed over each other's name, in the 1980
Answer - Doug Smith, Gayle Smith.
20. What movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1980?
Answer - Ordinary People, Ronald L. Schwary,
19. Who was the Washington High School Principal and Vice
Principal in 1980?
Answer - Principal - Del Schafer, Vice Principal
- Jim Mancuso.
18. What TV show won the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series
for the 1979-1980 Season?
Answer - Taxi.
17. Which two classmates had their pictures taken twice for
the same Yearbook? Which year? What names were used in their
comical second pictures?
Answer - Junior Year; Mary McLaughlin ->
Cranium Lubener, Teresa Coss -> Libby Lubmire.
16. Name three classmates that currently live outside of the U.S.A.
Answer - Found another, so there are four that
we know of now! Rod Dufrin, South Korea; Joan (Ellingson)
Dingman, England; Miriam (Hickson) Rinker, Philippines; Andy
Kyllo, Japan.
15. What was the top Album (yes, Album) of 1980?
Answer - Against the Wind, Bob Seger and the
Silver Bullet Band.
14. Who still holds the Sophomore record for the track 440
yard dash?
Answer - Bob Nelson. The record holds because
the race was changed to the 400 METER dash in our Junior year.
13. What was the WHS Spring play in 1980? Who played the title
Answer - Cyrano de Bergerac, Steve Handberg.
12. Who was voted "Biggest Mouth" in the 1980 Senior
Hall of Fame?
Answer - Doreen Boschee and Rex Sherk.
11. Which classmate appeared on the front page of the Seattle
Times business section representing Cinnabon when she was six
months pregnant?
Answer - Patty (Coppin) Dunmire.
10. Who won the Superbowl in 1980? Who was the MVP?
Answer - Pittsburgh Steelers (vs LA Rams). Terry
9. Name three to six seniors on the girl's varsity volleyball
team that went to state in our senior year?
Answer - Autumn Busching, Nancy Myers, Denise
Robinson, Michele Stoskopf, Diana Topping, and Lynette VanBeek.
8. What was the top pop song of 1980?
Answer - Blondie. Call Me.
7. Which classmate recently visited the country of Bhutan and
met the Minister of Foreign Affairs? Where is Bhutan?
Answer - Miriam (Hickson) Rinker. Look near
6. Which classmate now lives in Virginia?
Answer - Beth (Rediske) Ogburn
5. Who was voted Most Likely to be Remembered?
Answer - Teresa Coss and Todd Mickelson
4. Which classmate is now an artist in New York?
Answer - Leslie (Scott) Luciano
3. Which classmates still holds the Junior Long Jump record of
22 feet 4 1/4 inches?
Answer - Dan Fralick
2. Which classmate's brother still holds the Junior 300 Meter
Hurdles record?
Answer - Tom Henry's brother Scott holds the
1. Name four teachers from 1980 that still teach at Washington
High School.
Answer - Mrs. (Spitzer) Olson, Mrs. Stromme, Mr.
Ufer, Mrs. Wambold
Thanks for your guesses!
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