Update the site allready you say? Well the lazyness prevents me from doing as you ask master :P perhaps tomorrow
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And here is the center of much of my anger nowadays...... MICROSHIT!!!!!! GRRR lousy suns a bitches.....and here is the ringleader
Ok now let me see.......What do I have a mean on about today? Oh I know.........the bunk shit they are pawning off on us in the guise of T.V and music lately...................Let me get the shows on T.V that really irk me off out of the way first............Ok First of all is that *@(&*(#$&( show "Ally Mcbeal"..............I can only speak for myself but i really dispise this drivel....I suppose i need a different set of genetalia to understand what in the name of christ is going on from one moment to the next........Another show that fits into the same catagory of shows that in my oppinion speak only estregenese is "Grace Under Fire" my god someone please do the world a favor and shoot this woman. These are the two shows that pop into cro magnon mind first off. There are many more that I shall rant about a little later on*haha*
I decided that after reading that you might run of to starbucks for some fancy coffee so I decided to ballance it out some by talking about two of the shows that make owning a TV worth owning. The First of which would have to be the sipowitz show otherwise known as NYPD blue....who can find fault in the insanity that is sipowitz? and the other show would have to be millenium......Frank Black is a GOD to be worshiped....nothing phases this guy
And in case I have not scared you enough yet......heres something for you to think about
Now on to music..................Top of my list of people to kill is "Marilyn Manson".......you know the guy who inspires all his legions of fans to be "original" and "unique" just like him? Am I the only person who see's this hypocrite for what he is? Im sorry people but this guy really needs to get off my fucking radio...........Music in general has really taken a downslide.......especially rock.........there are very few bands out there now that I accually enjoy listening to.............A few of these brave souls who still make good music are "Mathew Good, The Hip and The Headstones" These bands have a sound that is not only bearable like so many of the crap put out lately but I accually enjoy these............There are others but as of right now I cannot think of them(Im a simple beast after all) Ok here is the start of the latest rant........More shall follow as I watch T.V and listen to the radio and am forced to snap again.
Now for sports all i need to say is HOCKEY is one of the few sports that have as yet not gone totally bunk and that i can still stand to watch:
Here is my new movie page. More to come soon!
Send any of your thoughts or suggestions to baldr@geocities.com
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