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Welcome to my little corner of Hoose-ville!

Tamara's Corner

Hobbies & Interests

Kids' Crafts

What a GREAT way to promote family togetherness! If your kids are anything like my son, they will love spending time with you making COOL STUFF!

William and Mama Crafts

Les Miserables©

If you love Les Mis as much as I do, go no
further until you visit Cameron Mackintosh's Les Miserables site for the
latest on scheduled appearances, the cast and creative team and more.
Check out the Sights and Sounds for photos as well as audio and video
clips from New York to London! If you are a Les Mis fan, you can't miss


"Those who wish to lead must be a bridge."--Miguel Guhlin

Just some sites I've found interesting or useful for now:

Teacher's Net

Education Week on the Web

Lesson Plan Exchange

Online Courses

Bilingual Education

National Association for Bilingual Education
National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education(NCBE)
Center for Applied Linguistics
Luka's ESL Cuisine
Dave's ESL Café

Love and Logic

I have had the privilege of benefitting, as a parent and a teacher, from the practical wisdom of Jim Fay, Dr. Betsy Geddes and Dr. Charles Fay. Empathy and natural consequences are the key to effective management and discipline for parents and teachers alike. If you would like to discuss their techniques and philosophy, feel free to contact me at:


Check out the Love & Logic website for a wealth of information, products and articles on how to train your kids to be cooperative, responsible, respectful and a joy to be around! :o)

Parenting and Families at


General Resources

The National Writing Project: Teachers teaching teachers about the craft of writing.

The Well-Connected Educator : Teachers, parents, administrators, school board and community members write about their experiences with integrating technology in the classroom.

An article by me :
at the
Well-Connected Educator

A Crash Course in Primary Classroom Technology

Sites for Children's Writers

The Children's Writing SuperSite

Inkspot: Resources for Writers

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Mama and William Crafts

Hecho Con Macintosh

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