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by William

July 6, 2002

I got to ride on Thomas the Tank Engine last Saturday and it was a spectacular perfect day!! It was almost too exciting to handle meeting my hero face to face and I just wanted to stand and look at him. Mama and Daddy had a hard time pulling me away to look at the other activities!! :o) But I played with the electric trains, got popcorn and a big mylar Thomas balloon, a Thomas backpack and snack and carry cup and a temporary James tatoo. Mama, Daddy and Tessa got tatoos too. Gramma got me a conductor's whistle which I pronounced "really cool!" I was too shy to go meet Sir Topham Hatt but we waved at him. Finally we got to get on the train and Thomas "puffed away" to the tune of our favorite Thomas songs on the intercom through some beautiful forested countryside (we thought it might be Henry's Forest!!) and I was just enthralled with the whole experience watching intently out the window and singing along with the songs. I was perfectly convinced that we had actually arrived on the magical Island of Sodor! Daddy took lots of video of our magical trip so we can remember it for years to come!!

Tessa's News

Mama and Daddy think she is growing a tooth!! She has had a white spot on her lower gum for 3 days now so we are expecting a full fledged tooth any minute now!! :o) She is starting to try to use her knees to scoot around but hasn't figured out that she should use her arms too for a full-fledged crawl but she scoots like a pro!! She is eating rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes and applesauce now in addition to Mama. She loves to grab the spoon and try to feed herself making a nice little mess along the way. I call her "little one" and try to comfort her when she cries. I make sure Mama knows what she wants :o) because that's my big brother job and I am very good at it!! :o)

Mama and Daddy's News

Not much going on that isn't kid-related at the moment and covered above. We tried making sugar free raspberry jam with the Fruit Jell No Sugar Needed Pectin today and it seems to work. Just a few tips for anyone else who wants to try it---it doesn't make as much as the insert claims. We only got about 24 ozs. out of one recipe instead of 40 so will probably try another batch with the leftover berries. But it was rather tart with no sugar so we experimented and it takes about 6 T. or 18 packets of
Splenda to sweeten it properly, to our tastes anyway. Just thought I'd mention it since the insert only gives directions for saccharine and nutrasweet.

Thematic Classroom Crafts

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Tamara's Corner

EDUCATION ADMINISTRATORS: I am interested in an elementary classroom teaching position; I have experience in bilingual programs and classrooms (Spanish-English) and am proficient in using educational technology to enhance the curriculum. I can and have designed both school and personal web pages and could do the same for you, as well as offering an online newspaper or arts & crafts club to your students afterschool!


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