"When soldiers brave death,
They drive him into the ranks of the enemy"


The 3rd Reg't., NJVI- Neshaminy 1998
The Infantry is the mainstay of the army. When a hill must be taken, an enemy line flanked, or a position stormed, the infantry are the ones to do it. The army is initially comprised of regiments, each, ideally, made of up ten companies of 100 men, and commanded, overall, by a Colonel. Each regiment was recruited in a particular part of of state, and was named accordingly. So, the 3rd New Jersey was the 3rd regiment to be formed in the State of New Jersey.
Three to six regiments would then be assigned together in order to form a Brigade, and were commanded by a Brigadier General. The 3rd New Jersey was attached to the First New Jersey Brigade. Then, two to five brigades would be grouped together to form a Division, and two to four divisions would compose a Corps, both commanded by a Major General. The 3rd New Jersey, thus, was attatched to the First Division, of the Sixth Corps, United States Army of the Potomac.
The uniform of the average Union soldier consisted of a heavy wool sack coat, light colored trousers, and a black- visored forage cap. Badges were often placed on the cap to indicated the unit, and colored facings the branch of service: blue, infantry; red, artillery; yellow, cavalry; green, medical. He was also issued a cartridge case, containing 40 rounds of ammunition (or 40 "dead men"), a percussion cap pouch, a bayonet, canteen, pack for carrying a blanket, shelter tent, spare ammunition, and a change of clothing, and a haversack, for which rations and personal belongngs (Bible, housewife, pencil and paper, and rations). His weapon of choice was either the .58 caliber 1861 Springfield rifled musket, or the .577 caliber Enfield rifled musket. Though these were the most common, many other longarms were used, such as older flintlocks from the Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812.
The infantryman's life was governed by strict military routine. He was awoken at dawn by the fife and drums signaling the Reveille, and retired at the end of the day to the Tattoo. During the day, he was drilled constantly, as reported by a Pennsylvanian private, "The first thing in the morning is drill, then drill, then drill again. Then drill, drill, a little more drill. Between drills, we drill, and sometimes we stop to eat a little and have a roll call." He studied various manuals to become proficent in marching, and at the manual of arms. Finally, when the time came, he and the rest of his men would be shipped out, to face the perils of the Civil War battlefield.