Phoenix Rising
In this time of planetary transition, all energies are reawakening and there is a rebirthing of the consciousness of humankind.  More than ever before we have been called upon to deepen our connections with nature.  The path we choose to follow may be quite different from our brothers and sisters, however, each of us in our own way, is on a Spirit Walk.
This page is dedicated to all the earth energies.  One of the strongest concepts, basic to the quest for spirituality in our times, is the recognition of the unity and interrelatedness of all living things. Ancient wisdom speaks of this. We have now come full circle and many of the ancient teachings are experiencing a rebirth.  Rather than a doctrine, these teachings provide direction.
As we look to the past to light our way toward the future we look to folktales, mythology, healing arts, artistic expression and music to guide us. Within these pages you will find all of this and more.  Here, we will deal with earth wisdom in all its forms.
I hope you enjoy your visit and that it leads you to taking the first steps in your own personal quest for living a spiritual life.... a positive lifestyle that brings no harm to any living thing.
Phoenix Rising
Earth Wisdom Sites  Shamanic Sites   Storytelling  Mythology 
North American Indian Wiccan/Pagan  Druidic/Celtic Mysteries  Shakespearean Quotes
Into the Fire:  Poetry and Short Stories written by Zappha.

Secret Garden More short stories and graphics by Zappha

The Fifth Sacred Serpent:  A selection of folktales from many cultures.
You will also find a submission form to submit your own work for inclusion in an anthology currrently being compiled by The Phoenix Press.
Readers' Corner:
A collection of suggested books for reading.  If you have read a good book and would like to suggest it to others, you can do so here.

The Burning Times: 
One of the most profound learning moments of my life was reading historical accounts of the witch burnings.  This page is dedicated to all who died during that period of history/herstory.

The Gallery
View some of Zappha's art work and the work of many artists with whom she shares the same philosophy.




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