Spring 2000 Semester
Spring 2000 Activities
Technical Communications
Policy Sheet
Memo Format
Technical Career Newsletter Vol. 1, Issue 1
Structure of an Essay
Election Research
George W. Bush
Alan Keyes
John McCain
Bill Bradley
Al Gore
Pat Buchanan
Performance Parts Incorporated
World Literature
Policy Sheet
Structure of an Essay
Interdisciplinary Connections Introduction
Interdisciplinary Education
- A Philosophy
Interdisciplinary Assignment - Semester Project
Learning Through Discussion Worksheet
MLA Works Cited Format
Literature Studied and Interdisciplinary Connections
A Doll's House
Absolutism vs. Relativism
Mona Lisa
"Thor and Loki in Giantland"
"How Siegfried Was Slain"
Holy Roman Empire
Julius Caesar
What Dreams May Come
Comparison to School
Code of Hammurabi
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
"God Bless the Child"
Art: Paolo and Francesca
Don Quixote
Sonnet 64
Sonnet 29 and "Then You Look at Me"
Sonnet 29 and "My Love is Your Love"
"To Helene" and "One of These Days"
Sonnet 61 and "Thank God I Found You"
Sonnet 61 and "I Get Carried Away"
The Metamorphosis
- Projects due 3/22
Communication Skills
Policy Sheet
Memo Format
Structure of an Essay
Questions, comments, etc.
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