Multicultural Literature Class Policies
Ms. Thaler
Contact Information
Course information is available on my Web site:
Students and/or parents are encouraged to e-mail any questions or concerns to me at
Outline of Semester
1st 6 Weeks – Encountering Language and Culture
Topics include gender, stereotypes, social power, and bicultural identity. In addition, Fences by Pulitzer Prize winner August Wilson will be read in class. Students will engage in sessions to prepare them for appropriate discussion of the language in the text, specifically the use of “the n-word.”
2nd 6 Weeks – Encountering Diversity at Home
Topics include coming to America; ethnicity and identity; privilege, poverty, and mainstream values; and sexual orientation and diversity. Discussion of the last topic will depend wholly on the maturity of the class. Students will engage in sessions to prepare them for appropriate discussion of the topic.
3rd 6 Weeks – Encountering Global Diversity
Topics include leaving home, encountering stereotypes, meeting the third world, and Americans in the “ New World Order.” In addition, Siddhartha by Nobel Prize winner Herman Hesse will be read in class.
Notebook – Sections should include: Journals, Reading Notes, Discussion Notes, Returned Work
Writing utensils
Agenda planner – World map will be of importance
The textbook Encountering Cultures will remain in the classroom, as well as the vocabulary workbook.Guidelines for Turning in Assignments
Grading Policy
Grading for this course will mirror the college 4-point grading scale. Students will receive assignment grades that reflect the following:
4 – A – 90-100
3 – B – 80-89
2 – C – 74-79
1 – D – 70-73
0 – F - <70The benefits of this system include an even distribution of opportunity for students to achieve and transcend initial grades. A clear distinction of work performance can be conveyed for each level, which is much easier to comprehend than small 1-point differences on a 100-point scale.
Grades will be weighted as follows.
Final Exam 15% Daily work and Homework 25% Quiz 20% Tests, Essays, and Projects 40% Students will be issued guidelines and rubrics that delineate the value for each section of assignments as well as criteria to evaluate their work. Standard rubrics will be available on my Web site.
When checking your student’s grades on I-Parent, be aware that grades are entered on the 4 point scale. To find the actual grade, divide the number listed by 25 and locate on the following chart.
To find score from I-Parent: (Grade) / 25 = _____________
Find on 4 point scale below.
4 point scale score |
Conversion to 100 point scale |
Letter Grade |
4.0 |
98 |
A |
3.98 |
97 |
A |
3.96 |
96 |
A |
3.94 |
95 |
A |
3.91 |
94 |
A |
3.88 |
93 |
A |
3.75 |
92 |
A |
3.63 |
91 |
A |
3.50 |
90 |
A |
3.38 |
89 |
B |
3.25 |
88 |
B |
3.13 |
87 |
B |
3.00 |
86 |
B |
2.88 |
85 |
B |
2.75 |
84 |
B |
2.63 |
83 |
B |
2.50 |
82 |
B |
2.38 |
81 |
B |
2.25 |
80 |
B |
2.13 |
79 |
C |
2.00 |
78 |
C |
1.88 |
77 |
C |
1.75 |
76 |
C |
1.63 |
75 |
C |
1.50 |
74 |
C |
1.38 |
73 |
D |
1.25 |
72 |
D |
1.13 |
71 |
D |
1.00 |
70 |
D |
<1.00 |
60 |
F |
Learning will be assessed through discussions, writing, group projects, creative representations, oral presentations, technological presentations, and other methods appropriate to the material covered. I strive to provide evaluation opportunities that meet the multiple intelligences of my students.
Graded Discussion
Throughout the semester students will be graded on their participation in discussion. Their grades depend on the number of times they contribute to the discussion, whether to ask a question, answer a question, or comment.
Vocabulary workbooks will be used to facilitate engagement with new words. Students will be assigned specific units in non-sequential order. They are to complete the exercises and quiz in class at their own pace. A minimum number of units must be completed each month. Seven (7) units of vocabulary must be completed by the end of the semester.
January – 1 unit minimum
February – 2 units minimum
March – 2 units minimum
April – 2 units minimum
Homework may include reading, completing written exercises, preparing presentations, studying for tests, or working on long-term assignments. On the assigned date, students will turn in their homework at the beginning of class for full credit.
Tests / Papers / Projects / Major Assignments
Papers, projects, and other major assignments must be turned in on the specified date for full credit. If a student is absent, the student's parent must contact me by 3:15 that day (770-437-5900 ext. 450). Only on this condition will I accept late papers with no penalty.
In School Suspension (ISS)
A different edition of the class text Encountering Cultures will be available in the ISS trailer. Students are to complete one page (front and back) of grammar exercises and read one article from the list provided. This work must be turned in the day the student returns for a daily grade. No late work will be accepted. Students in ISS on test or quiz days must make up the assignment before or after school. Students are responsible for obtaining class assignments and turning in work according to class due dates. If work is due on the day a student is in ISS, the student must turn it into Ms. Thaler on that day. Otherwise, students receive a 0 for work missed.
Make-up Policy
Each STUDENT is responsible for completing all work missed during any absence from class. Students will be allowed five (5) calendar days after returning to school to make up work missed due to an excused absence. Make-ups for tests or quizzes are to be scheduled with Ms. Thaler.
Both students and parents are encouraged to discuss any questions, confusions, or concerns with me. I am available daily after school for student meetings. Before school meeting can be easily scheduled.
Parent meetings can be accommodated through a phone conversation if the matter is simple, or if it warrants more attention, meetings can be arranged through the guidance office. For questions about assignments, students can review major projects on the web and e-mail me before 8 PM for a personal response.
January 6, 2005
Dear Parents,
I would like to personally welcome you and your student to an exciting semester of Multicultural Literature. I am confident that the learning will take both students and myself to levels of understanding of world literature that we have not yet experienced. Each student brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that can only enhance our journey.
The pages that precede this message include my policies and guidelines for the semester. Please review the information with your student, paying close attention to the grading policy. Grading for this course will mirror the college 4-point grading scale. Because this grading method is new to students, it will take some adjustment time. However, students will ultimately benefit.
A full copy of the syllabus is available on my Web site: I encourage you to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you might have:
I look forward to an incredible semester!
Erin M. Thaler
770-437-5900 ext. 450
Parents, please read the attached syllabus and sign below. Students receive a homework grade for returning this policy sheet signed. I look forward to this semester!
Multicultural Literature
I have read the rules and policies for Multicultural Literature and understand Ms. Thaler's policies. I have paid special attention to policies regarding grading, absences, make-up, and communication.
Student’s signature _______________________ Date ____________
Parent’s signature ________________________ Date ____________