Diversity at Home Chapters 5 and 6
Multicultural Literature Spring 2005
Students will independently read selections from Encountering Cultures for the chapter assigned, engage in discussion about the chapter, and present the information acquired.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of identifying people with particular cultural groups?
Key Questions
Please check the box next to the
question that applies to you.
Coming to America How does the influx of cultural
groups affect the current diversity in America?
1. Article
1 -
2. Article
2 -
Ethnicity and Identity How does ethnicity affect
relationships with other people?
1. Article
1 -
2. Article
2 -
Monday, March 14 |
Introductory Activities Daily Journal #1 Read Brief Encounters and complete BEN. |
Tuesday, March 15 |
Read Brief Encounters and complete BEN Daily Journal #2 Begin reading Article 1 |
Wednesday, March 16 |
Read Article 1. Complete Reading Notes. Daily Journal #3 Begin work on Article 2. |
Thursday, March 17 |
Individual discussion with Thaler about Article 1. Must submit BEN and Reading Notes. Read Article 2 and complete Reading Notes. Daily Journal #4 |
Friday, March 18 |
45 minutes Discussion with Small Group 45 minutes Organize BB and IP Daily Journal #5 |
Monday, March 21 |
Turn in Daily Journals Complete BB and IP |
Tuesday, March 22 |
Research |
Wednesday, March 23 |
Work on Key Question Essay Work on Presentation |
Thursday, March 24 |
Submit final draft Key Question Essay
Friday, March 25 |
Complete PSA 1st hour of class Present PSA last half of class with 10 minute activity about topic |
Monday, March 28 |
Work on Presentation PRACTICE PRESENTATION |
Tuesday, March 29 |
Presentation Ethnicity and Identity 30 minutes Full class discussion |
Wednesday, March 30 |
Presentation Coming to America 30 minutes Full class discussion |
Thursday, March 31 |
Read Brief Encounters (2) for opposite chapter. Complete BEN Read Article 1 for opposite chapter. Complete Reading Notes. |
Description of Tasks
Daily Journal 5 Daily and Homework Grades
Each entry should be a minimum of a paragraph (6-8 sentences)
long. Journals will be submitted
Monday, March 21.
Daily Journal #1 What do you know and/or think about your topic?
Daily Journal #2 What are your thoughts about the Brief Encounters? Do you agree or disagree with the points made? Why?
Daily Journal #3 - What are your thoughts about Article 1? Do you agree or disagree with the points made? Why?
Daily Journal #4 - What are your thoughts about Article 2? Do you agree or disagree with the points made? Why?
Daily Journal #5 What did you learn from your group discussion? Do you agree or disagree with the points made? Why?
For the mastery chapter, each student is to read all Brief Encounters, writing notes: Title, Author, 1 sentence summary, 1-sentence quotation. Must be submitted by Wednesday, March 16.
After presentations are completed, each student is to read 2 Brief Encounters from the opposite chapter, writing notes in the same format.
Students are to choose 2 additional articles from the chapter and complete 2 Reading Notes graphic organizers. Each article counts as a separate grade. Reading Notes for the first article to be discussed with Ms. Thaler must be submitted by Thursday, March 17. Article 2 Reading Notes are due by Friday, March 18.
After presentations are completed, each student is to read 1 article from the opposite chapter and complete Reading Notes.
The first article will be discussed with Ms. Thaler individually on Thursday, March 17. Students will receive a grade based on participation.
On Friday, March 18, students will discuss all of their readings (including Article 2) and the key question with peers in the same group. Students will receive a grade based on participation.
For the individual Daily and Homework Grade, students must submit 5 outside research sources with details needed for a Works Cited page. This research is to be used for the group portion. For the group Quiz Grade, students will submit 5 different types of research resources relevant to the topic.
Students are to work on one (1) of the two (2) assignments by the end of class Monday, March 21. See the attached rubric.
v Each group will design half a Bulletin Board with information relevant to their topic, including 3 appropriate terms to learn, and answer the key question. May be used in conjunction with the presentation.
v Each group will create an Informational Poster to be posted outside the classroom. The poster must inform their peers who have not studied the topic.
The full group is to complete a Public Service Announcement by the end of the first hour of class on Friday, March 25. Students will use the PSA to advertise their upcoming presentation, followed by a quick 10 minute activity to activate knowledge of the topic. See the attached rubric.
v Each group will create a 30 second Public Service Announcement that would be informative if aired on the weekly video announcements at Osborne High School.
Each group will present their topic to the class in a 30-minute presentation. Presentation should include readings, important terminology, key question, and analysis of topic. Students are encouraged to bring in outside information related to the topic to personalize and involve students. See calendar for date of presentation.
Students will write independently on the key question. Students must include quotations from the texts read and outside research. Final draft of Key Question Essay is due Thursday, March 24.