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My NASA Page

Here are a few pictures taken by various spacecraft on their voyages in outer Space.  They have kindled an interest in astronomy.  All pictures are thumbnails and can be enlarged.

Hale-Bopp Comet seen in March of 1998

The comet Hale-Bopp was visible in the European sky during many months of 1998.

Part of our solar system

This is one view from Earth of four different planet in our solar system.

Star trails

A photo like this can be taken by leaving your camera lens open for a very long time.  The star trails show the movement of the stars across the sky due to Earth's rotation.


Venus has a temperature much hotter than Earth's.

Jupiter, our largest planet

This is a unique picture of Jupiter, our largest planet.  Note one of Jupiter's moons, Io, and the shadow it casts on the planet's surface.

Saturn taken by the Voyager space mission

This picture of Saturn was taken by the Voyager spacecraft in the year 2000.  It shows both day and night on the planet.


This is a Voyager picture of Neptune.

Solar eclipse

This is the beginning of an eclipse when the moon passes directly in front of the sun.


This one is great!  It was taken from the ISS (International Space Station) and shows a view of Earth at night if the whole planet were in darkness.  To get a good view, click on the thumbnail and wait a bit.  Notice the lights on the major  population centers.  Can you follow the Trans-Siberian Railroad across Russia?  Pick our major US and Australian cities?  Have a look at the Nile valley.  Lastly look at the difference between North and South Korea.


What a great view of Saturn for the last picture.

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