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John Stobart

John Stobart is one of America's favorite maritime artists.  He has painted harbor scenes from many American cities, choosing as his time frame vistas from the mid 1800's.  Having lived in Chicago, St. Louis, and Sydney, I have chosen these Stobart prints to exhibit a sample of his works.  Others can be found at your favorite art dealer.

Chicago River

Since I was born and raised in the Chicago area, Stobart's view of the Chicago River near Rush Street is my opening piece.


Rafting Down the Missouri

After my college years in Nebraska, I moved to St. Charles, Missouri, on the banks of the Missouri River.  Stobart here pictures a Missouri River scene during the days when steamers followed the course of the river through the Great Plains. 


Ead's Bridge Spans the Mississippi at St. Louis

St. Louis grew into the metropolis it is today by supporting the steamers as they made their journey up and down the Mississippi.  Here Stobart shows the Ead's Bridge which linked Missouri with Illinois (note the train in the upper right hand corner), and the many steamers docking at this river town.


Laclede's Landing in St. Louis

One of my favorites shows an evening view of the Laclede's Landing area just below the Ead's Bridge.


Sydney Harbour near Circular Quay

In the mid 1990's I spent a year in Sydney, Australia.  This is a view of the Parramatta docked at Circular Cay.  One of the most famous landmarks of Sydney, the Harbour Bridge would later be built as a beautiful backdrop to this setting.


Stormy Cape Horn

On the international side, Stobart has also painted scenes all over the world.  This schooner is facing a down easter as she attempts to round Cape Horn.


The Old Clock Tower and Table Mountain

John Stobart has chosen Cape Town, South Africa as the setting for this print.


Yesteryear at New York Harbor

One last print, and it shows the port of New York.



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