Your Home Speaks!

You want to change your life?
Redecorate! Housing arrangements,
by sending symbolic messages to the mind,
may help you achieve results you want
in every area of your life!

Cottage;  Merrymeeting Archives

HOME expresses the owner's health, well-being, emotions, thinking patterns, EVERYTHING! Have you ever noticed that people clean, rearrange, discard the old, and find new things for the house when their lives change? Our houses appear to be a natural expression, or what psychologists call 'markings,' of who we are. Our houses change as we change!

Look at your house with new eyes, as if for the first time. DISCOVER in an Alpha state using a stream of consciousness exercise what your house is really saying!

COMPARE your own expressions of love, social life, fun and harmony with generalized concepts from stream of consciousness. If your concepts differ, favor your results. You know the fine points of your life better than anybody.

Improve your life by rearranging -- maybe overhauling!


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