"Armorum Rex" is the the Body-Temple's King of Arms, Officer of Fire; "Praelata" is the Prelate, Officer of Water; "Ostiarius" is the Usher or Door-keeper, Officer of Air; and "Cancellaria" is the Chancellor, Officer of Earth. "Decanus" or "Decana" is the Dean, Officer of the Quintessence.
A Brief Invocation or Collect for the Fixed Archangels and Demiurges, used for calling the Quarters of the Body-Temple. Here, we are invoking each Buddhic Archangel to open our awareness to the Atmic Demiurge above:
(Armorum Rex)
Hail Archangel MICHEAL, Solar Seraph of the Constellation in the South!
Openest thou the gate of our Heavenly Divine Brother!
Hail our Demiurge the CREATOR, Seer of Late-Summer's flaming crown of golden After-Prime! Thou holdest high the light-blade of the Lord of Heaven! May thy sunny vision illumine the mind's eye of this company now and forever! For thy divine LIGHT we give thee thanks.(Praelata)
Hail Archangel AURhAEL, Poseidian Power of the Phoenix in the West!
Openest thou the gate of our Earthly Divine Daughter!
Hail our demiurge the SEEKER, Empress and Protectress of Late-Autumn's watery bells of turquoise After-Sext! Thou holdest the life-vessel of the Lady of the Lake! May thy gift of soul-purpose lead the life-passage of this company now and forever! For thy divine LIFE we give thee thanks.(Ostiarius)
Hail Archangel GAEWRIEL, Jovial Archangel of Gaia's Grail in the North!
Openest thou the gate of our Earthly Divine Brother!
Hail our Demiurge the SMITH, Alchemist of Late-Winter's windy forge of violet After-Vespers! Thou holdest the rod of law of the Lord of the Earth! May thine upright grounding of divine will guide the walkings of this company now and forever! For thy divine LAW we give thee thanks.(Cancellaria)
Hail, Archangel RhATHAEL, Persephonic Throne-Angel of the Treasure-Tower in the East!
Openest thou the gate of our Heavenly Divine Daughter!
Hail our Demiurge the DIVINER, High Priestess and Abbess of Late-Spring's earthy mantle of rosy After-Matins! Thou holdest the love-dish of the Lady of the Mountain! May thy perfect healing love refresh the hearts of this company now and forever! For thy divine LOVE we give thee thanks.(Decanus)
May all ye Archangels and Demiurges guide and protect this company in Light, Life, Law, and Love, now and forever! So may it be.
A Brief Invocation or Collect for the Mutable Archangels and Demiurges, used in calling the Quarters of the Body-Temple:
(Armorum Rex)
Hail Archangel URIEL, Bacchic Virtue of the World-Bloom in the Northwest!
Openest thou the gate of our Earthly Divine Father!
Hail Our Demiurge the PLANTER, Sower of Seed-Month's arrowed pestle of azure Nones! Thou holdest the lightning-bolt of the Lord of Thunder! May thine electric spiral-growth inseminate this company now and forever! For thy divine STRENGTH we give thee thanks.(Praelata)
Hail Archangel ShAIChUNhAEL, Uranian Virtue of the World-Tree in the Northeast!
Openest thou the gate of our Earthly Divine Mother!
Hail our demiurge the FORESTER, Carpenter of Tree-Month's axe of magenta Compline! Thou holdest the chalice of the Lady of the Deep! May thy blessing of communal release magnetize this company now and forever! For thy divine FORGIVENESS we give thee thanks.(Ostiarius)
Hail Archangel EREMIEL, Mercurial Cherub of the Holy Name in the Southeast!
Openest thou the gate of our Heavenly Divine Father!
Hail our Demiurge the MAGICIAN, Poet of May-Month's drama-mask of orange Lauds! Thou holdest the bardic wand of the Lord of the Wind! May thy magic voice vibrate in the speech of this company now and forever! For thy divine AUTHORITY we give thee thanks.(Cancellaria)
Hail, Archangel IOFAEL, Isiac Cherub of the World-Music in the Southwest!
Openest thou the gate of our Heavenly Divine Mother!
Hail our Demiurge the ENCHANTRESS, Singer of Loaf-Month's harp and horn of green-gold Tierce! Thou holdest the necklace of the Lady of Summer! May thy glad song sound on the lips of this company now and forever! For thy divine ENTHUSIASM we give thee thanks.(Decanus)
May all ye Archangels and Demiurges guide and protect this company in Strength, Forgiveness, Authority, and Enthusiasm, now and forever! So may it be.
A Brief Invocation or Collect for the Cardinal Archangels and Demiurges, used for calling the Quarters of the Body-Temple:
(Armorum Rex)
Hail Archangel ZADOCHIEL, Martial Dominion of the World-Dragon in the East!
Openest thou the gate of our Earthly Divine Son!
Hail our Demiurge the HUNTER, Rider and Emperor of Early-Spring's horned altar of ruddy Fore-Matins! Thou holdest high the fiery sword of the Lord of the Mountain! May thy zeal enliven the souls of this company now and forever! For thy divine ORDER we give thee thanks.(Praelata)
Hail Archangel MYRRhAEL, Lunar Seraph of the World-Sphere in the South!
Openest thou the gate of our Heavenly Divine Sister!
Hail our demiurge the SAGE, Scholar and Keeper of Early-Summer's soma-cup of amber Fore-Prime! Thou holdest high the lamp of the Lady of Heaven! May thine enlightenment illumine the minds of this company now and forever! For thy divine WISDOM we give thee thanks.(Ostiarius)
Hail Archangel ANACHIEL, Venerable Throne of the Mercy-Seat in the West!
Openest thou the gate of our Heavenly Divine Son!
Hail our Demiurge the HIGH PRIEST, Hierophant of Early-Autumn's triple brooch of verdant Fore-Sext! Thou holdest the threefold staff of the Lord of the Lake! May thy gift of grace guide the hearts of this company now and forever! For thy divine FAITH we give thee thanks.(Cancellaria)
Hail, Archangel RhWKAEL, Saturnine Archangel of the World-Stone in the North!
Openest thou the gate of our Earthly Divine Sister!
Hail our Demiurge the MASON, Architect and Sculptor of Early-Winter's coffer of indigo Fore-Vespers! Thou holdest the squared compass of the Lady of the Earth! May thy laughter quicken the walkings of this company now and forever! For thy divine UNDERSTANDING we give thee thanks.(Decanus)
May all ye Archangels and Demiurges guide and protect this company in Order, Wisdom, Faith, and Understanding, now and forever! So may it be.
An Alchemical Invocation, fusing the Demiurgic Opposites of Yellow Creator and Violet Smith. An imbalance in the Creator's Imagination results in Pride and Solipsism; an imbalance in the Smith's Responsibility results in Humiliation and Guilt. Properly balanced and fused, they form the Monadic Divine Holy Brother (or Grandfather), AEB-I-GAEL:
AEB-I-GAEL, Crown of Light and Gale of Wind, thou Holy Spirit, Creator and Smith of the Body-Temple and Celestial City of Salem, our Divine Holy Brother! LWGH-BEALI thou art, thou Grail of the Twelve Stargates!(Armorum Rex)
As our Demiurge the Creator, thou art our Golden Lord, thou Star-keeper, Envisioner, Imager, and Seer of us all! Thy name is Abel, is Bael, is Beli, is Balor, is Baldr, is Liber, is Baeri, is Ibrahim, is Brahm. Reborn at the Gates of Gold in Late-Winter, thou maturest in thy Solar Body in Early-Summer. Thou triumphest to thine own Yellow Orb of Leo in Late-Summer! Led by the Violet Smith, thou offerest thine eye unto divine imagination, as thou passest into the Underworld beneath Cymbealim, the Topaz Arch of Early-Winter!(Ostiarius)
As our Demiurge the Smith, thou art our Violet Lord, thou Grail-keeper, Alchemist, and Forger of us all! Thy name is Ing, is Yangw, is Chango, is Ianus, is Iaguw, is Gaia, is Geb, is Gu, is Ge, is Gog, is Gough, is Bhaga, is Goibniu, is Gofannon. Reborn to the Violet Orbs of Aquarius in Late-Summer, thou maturest beneath the Amethyst Arch of Early-Winter. Thou triumphest in Late-Winter as Gae-ourgi, in thy cauldron of boiling Lead! Led by the Yellow Creator, thou offerest thy buttock and thy heel unto divine will and passest into the Overworld beneath thy Sphere of Jupiter [or interregnal Saturn] in Early-Summer!(Decanus)
Creator or Smith; Smith or Creator: As the one triumphs, his shadow is reborn; as the one matures, the other dies. Heaven or Earth, Light or Dark, Above or Below: If we favor the one or the other, we too are bound to birth, death and rebirth. Therefore let us marry Heaven and Earth together, that we be anointed Creator-Smith forever after the order of AEB-I-GAEL, Holy Spirit, Brother of Man, eternal and immortal! So may it be.
An Alchemical Invocation, fusing the Demiurgic Opposites of Yellow-Green Enchantress and Violet-Red Forestress. An imbalance in the Enchantress's Enthusiasm results in Denial; an imbalance in the Forestress's Receptivity results in Confusion and Victimization. Properly balanced and fused, they form the Monadic Divine Holy Mother, IO-SHENU:
IO-SHENU, Song of the Sea, Enchantress and Forestress of the Body-Temple and Celestial City of Salem, our Divine Holy Mother! NEPHTHYS-ISIS thou art, NERTHUS-FREYA thou art, thou of the World-Tree of Celestial Musics!(Cancellaria)
As our Demiurge the Enchantress, thou art our Chartreuse Lady, thou Song-keeper, Teacher and Rememberer of us all! Thy name is Io, is Melia, is Meriam the Virgin, is Fairia, is is Fay, is Freya, is Ailphe. Reborn under the Hazel and the Elm in Tree-Month, thou maturest under thy name as Flowria in May-Month. Thou triumphest to thine own Hypo-Lydian Chant in Lammas-Month! Led by the Violet-Red Forestress, thou offerest thy tongue unto divine enthusiasm, as thou passest into the Underworld beneath the Rue and Absinthe of Seed-Month!(Praelata)
As our Demiurge the Forestress, thou art our Magenta Lady, thou Tree-keeper, Carpenter, and Fisher of us all! Thy name is Yashai or Jesse, is Shuluia, is Sylvia, is Sheshennu, is Shenu, is Vishnu, is Shawwat, is Shiva, is Hawwa or Eve, is Nereus, is Nephthys, [is Neptune in the interregnal system,] is Necheru, is Nature, is Mitra, is Warunhush, is Uranus [in the restored system]. Reborn to the Hypo-Dorian Chant in Lammas-Month, thou maturest beneath the Thistle and Wisteria of Seed-Month. Thou triumphest as thine own Ash of Tree-Month! Led by the Chartreuse Enchantress, thou offerest thy blood unto divine forgiveness at May-Month and passest into the Overworld beneath thy name Mahshu, thy name YHShWH!(Decanus)
Enchantress or Forestress; Forestress or Enchantress: As the one triumphs, her shadow is reborn; as the one matures, the other dies. Heaven or Earth, Light or Dark, Above or Below: If we favor the one or the other, we too are bound to birth, death and rebirth. Therefore let us marry Heaven and Earth together, that we be anointed Enchantress-Forestress forever after the order of IO-SHENU, Mother of Woman, eternal and immortal! So may it be.
An Alchemical Invocation, fusing the Demiurgic Opposites of Green Priest and Red Hunter (or Tarot "King"). An imbalance in the Priest's Compassion results in Envy and Martyrdom; an imbalance in the Hunter's Zeal results in Anger and Rage. Properly balanced and fused, they form the Monadic Divine Holy Son, MALACHIZADOCH or Melchizadek:
MALACHIZADOCH, Counselor of Righteousness, Priest and King of the Body-Temple and Celestial City of Salem, our Divine Holy Son! ADONIMALACH thou art, ZOROCHIDHARAM thou art, thou of the Dragon-Throne!(Ostiarius)
As our Demiurge the Priest, thou art our Green Lord, thou Keeper of the Mercy-Seat, thou Giver of the gifts of compassion, caring and right action for us all! Thy name is Nuadha, is Dharama, is Mahamadh, is Druidha, is Dawidhrui or Savitri, is Dhiu, is Iudha. Reborn under the Wolf in Early-Spring, thou maturest under Athadha, Late-Spring's Ring of Truth. At thy triumph thou holdes the Balance, the Threefold Staff of Early-Autumn! Led by the Red Hunter to the Great Cross of Mid-Fall Equinox, thou givest thy heart and right handunto divine faith, and diest into the Underworld as the Dove of Late-Autumn!(Armorum Rex)
As our Demiurge the Hunter, thou art our Red Lord, thou Warrior, Herdsman, and King of us all! Thy name is Maha-uard, is Mavors, is Mars, is Rodra, is Ziu, is Zoruan, is Adon, is Dawid, is Deor, is Aryu, is Iudo. Reborn to the Flaming Sword of Early-Autumn, thou soarest in Late-Autumn as Ostor the Hawk, as Ausaar the Falcon. At thy triumph thou art Owain, the Ram of Early-Spring! Led by the Green Priest to the Great Cross of Mid-Spring Equinox, thou givest thy navel and spleen unto divine order, and diest into the Overworld on Athanor, the Horned Altar of Late-Spring!(Decanus)
Priest or King; King or Priest: As the one triumphs, his shadow is reborn; as the one matures, the other dies. Heaven or Earth, Light or Dark, Above or Below: If we favor the one or the other, we too are bound to birth, death and rebirth. Therefore let us marry Heaven and Earth together, that as the Christ we be anointed Priest-King forever after the order of MALACHIZADOCH, Son of Man, eternal and immortal! So may it be.
An Alchemical Invocation, fusing the Demiurgic Opposites of Red-Orange Diviner (or Tarot "Priestess") and Green-Blue Fowler (or Tarot "Queen"). An imbalance in the Fowler's Seeking results in Obsession; an imbalance in the Diviner's Love results in Greed and Jealousy. Properly balanced and fused, they form the Monadic Divine Holy Daughter, MhALhACHIAURh or Melchior:
MhALhACHIAURh, Counselor of Life, Priestess and Queen of the Body-Temple and Celestial City of Salem, our Divine Holy Daughter! TAWYS-I-MALACH thou art, AUS-TARhA thou art, thou of the Phoenix Tower!(Cancellaria)
As our Demiurge the Diviner, thou art our Rosy Lady, thou Tower-keeper, Lover, High Priestess and Receiver of us all! Thy name is Athatarota, is Tara, is Tauro, is Torah, is Aphrodite, is Astarte, is Amsa, is Matthew. Reborn as Hathor the Cow of Early-Spring, thou triumphest under under Late-Spring's Double Pentacle!. Growing into the Mantle of Early-Autumn, thou gives thine heart and thy left hand unto divine love, as thou art led by the Turquoise Queen into the Underworld as the Crane of Late-Autumn!(Praelata)
As our Demiurge the Fowler, thou art our Turquoise Lady, thou Bird-keeper, Brooder, Nurturer, and Seeker of us all! Thy name is Leto, is Lata, is Liulat or Lilith, is Aratanhwys or Artemis, is Wyuasuata, is Nawys, is Ausa, is Uesta, is Iuno, is Antoniu, is Thomas. Reborn to the tolling of Bells by Early-Autumn's nine-knotted Cord, thou triumphest as the Peafowl of Late-Autumn! Maturing as Uirsiula the Bear of Early-Spring, thou givest thy navel and liver unto divine life, as thou art led by the Rosy Priestess into the Overworld in Athanasiu, the Vessel of Late-Spring!(Decana)
Priestess or Queen; Queen or Priestess: As the one matures, her shadow is reborn; as the one triumphs, the other dies. Heaven or Earth, Light or Dark, Above or Below: If we favor the one or the other, we too are bound to birth, death and rebirth. Therefore let us marry Heaven and Earth together, that as the Magdalen we be anointed Priestess-Queen forever after the order of MhALhACHIAURh, Daughter of Woman, eternal and immortal! So may it be.
An Alchemical Invocation, fusing the Demiurgic Opposites of Orange Poet-Magician and Blue Planter. An imbalance in the Magician's Naming results in Laziness or Fear; an imbalance in the Planter's Insemination results in Lust and Tyranny. Properly balanced and fused, they form the Monadic Divine Holy Father, EL-ELYON:
EL-ELYON, Word of Spiral Growth, Magician and Planter of the Body-Temple and Celestial City of Salem, our Divine Holy Father! Thou art JERU-MAIIA, thou Immortal Flower of the Holy Name!(Ostiarius)
As our Demiurge the Magician, thou art our Orange Lord, thou Word-keeper, Poet, Speaker and Namer of us all! Thy name is Yama-Maya, is Veremai, is Worum, is Wodun, is Varuna, is Herme. Reborn under the Rowan-Ash and the Thorn in Tree-Month, thou triumphest under thine own name in May-Month! Thou maturest to the Ionian Chant in Lammas-Month. Led by the Blue Planter, thou offerest thy neck unto divine authority, and as speaker for the dead thou passest into the Underworld beneath the Narcissus of Seed-Month!(Armorum Rex)
As our Demiurge the Planter, thou art our Blue Lord, thou Bloom-keeper, Gardener, Yeoman, Herbalist and Sower of us all! Thy name is Djun-djur the Thunder, is Zhur or Thur, is Hu, [is interregnal Jupiter], [is Bacchus in the restored system,] is Ainjeru, is Indra, is Andrew. Reborn to the Aeolian Chant in Lammas-Month, thou triumphest beneath the blue Flax of Seed-Month! Thou maturest as the Oak of Tree-Month. Led by the Orange Magician, thou offerest thy member and thy seed unto divine strength at Maya-Month and passest into the Overworld beneath thy name, Mahendru!(Decanus)
Mage or Planter; Planter or Mage: As the one matures, his shadow is reborn; as the one triumphs, the other dies. Heaven or Earth, Light or Dark, Above or Below: If we favor the one or the other, we too are bound to birth, death and rebirth. Therefore let us marry Heaven and Earth together, that we be anointed Mage-Planter forever after the order of EL-ELYON, Father of Man, eternal and immortal! So may it be.
An Alchemical Invocation, fusing the Demiurgic Opposites of Orange-Yellow Sage and Blue-Violet Mason. An imbalance in the Sage's Wisdom results in Sterility and Abstraction; an imbalance in the Mason's Understanding results in Criticism and Rebellion. Properly balanced and fused, they form the Monadic Divine Holy Sister (or Grandmother), HIERh-AERKH:
HIERh-AERKH, thou Holy Wisdom, Sage and Mason of the Body-Temple and Celestial City of Salem, our Divine Holy Sister! HOUKH-MhAE thou art, thou Seven-pillared cornerstone of the World-body!(Praelata)
As our Demiurge the Scholar, thou art our Amber Lady, thou Sphere-keeper, Sage, Seer, and Knower of us all! Thy name is Paeri, is Pwlh, is Philea, is Phillip, is Philwmh, is Lwmirh, is Ymir, is Myrrh, is Maeri. Reborn at the Silver-Gate in Late Winter, thou triumphest in thine own Lunar Body in Early-Summer! Thou maturest to thine Orange-Yellow Orbs of Cancer in Late-Summer. Led by the Indigo Mason, thou offerest thine eye unto divine wisdom, as thou passest into the Underworld through the Pearly Arch of Early-Winter!(Cancellaria)
As our Demiurge the Mason, thou art our Indigo Lady, thou Stone-keeper, Architect, Carver, and Sculptor of us all! Thy name is Okh, is Ki'w, is Cephas, is Kwuskri, or Cundry, or Twastri, is Kybele, is Kubera, is Nike, is Nicolae, is Kali, is Cailleach, is Kalki, is Coatlicue, is Loki, is Cain, is Kukulcan. Reborn to the Blue-Violet Orbs of Capricorn in Late-Summer, thou triumphest beneath thine own chancel, thy seven-crossed Sapphire Arch of Early-Winter! Thou maturest at the Zinc and Pewter Gate of Late-Winter. Led by the Amber Scholar, thou offerest thy buttock and thy heel unto divine understanding and passest into the Overworld beneath thy Sphere of Saturn [or interregnal Uranus] in Early-Summer!(Decana)
Scholar or Mason; Mason or Scholar: As the one matures, her shadow is reborn; as the one triumphs, the other dies. Heaven or Earth, Light or Dark, Above or Below: If we favor the one or the other, we too are bound to birth, death and rebirth. Therefore let us marry Heaven and Earth together, that we be anointed Sage-Mason forever after the order of HIERh-AERKH, Holy Wisdom, Sister of Woman, eternal and immortal! So may it be.